Chapter Three: Rumours

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The sound of the music filled the air around me and I took another sip of whiskey. The harsh liquor was working but my headache wasn't fading. Probably because of this music. Nex slid into the booth followed by a girl. She wore a purple dress that barely made it to her thighs and her neckline swooped lower than was necessary. Nex sat down, arms back against the cushions of the booth and the girl sat in his lap. I shook my head at the amusement in his eyes. The club wasn't all about hookers but there still were a few. And here I was, trying to relax while Nex was getting a lap dance less than two feet away from me. I made a sound of disgust.

Nex looked up, fingers absently circling the inner thigh of the dancer. "What? You want her?"

The girl looked at me. Then got up onto the table and began crawling toward me. Nex hooted but I stuck a hand to stop her, my engagement ring flashing in the lights of the club. Her smile fell and she scooted back. Nex slid a bill into her bra strap and sent her away. He turned to me. "She's good. Maybe a little dance could do you some good."

I shook my head. "I don't need a hooker or a lap dancer."

He leaned back. "Amo Griffin. Boss-to-be. Hey, how's your fiancé?"

I shot him a look. "Careful." I downed the rest of my drink. "She's feisty."

That she was. By the stars, she was gorgeous. All of her was gorgeous. When I entered her family's mansion I saw her hair first. Dark ebony black. Then her dress. Emerald green, glinting in the chandelier light. My eyes travelled up her body, over her curves. I saw her face next. Her dark hair fell down her back. Her brown skin looked like melted bronze. And her chocolate eyes that should have been sweet glared at me with intensity equivalent to the bitterest thing on earth.

Those brown topaz eyes.

A man was next to her and he fled when he saw me. Smart man. I didn't want anyone near Bellona. She was going to be mine soon.

Nex nodded. Then after a minute, he said something that made the amusement in me fade as quickly as the lights on the dancefloor.

"What about her sister?"

I raised my brow. "Sister? She doesn't have one."

Nex shook his head. "Rumours, I guess."

I tried my best not to show my interest but curiosity got the better of me. "What rumours?"

Nex saw how interested I was and smiled.

"Oh, fuck off. Now tell me, what of the rumours?" I asked again.

He inhaled and then exhaled. Then leaned in close, fingers interlocking and resting on the table "The rumours are that her sister fell in love with an outsider. But he didn't love her the same. They slept together and she got pregnant. But he knew that she was from the outfit. So," He adjusted his shirt and cuffs. Then took a slow sip of his drink.

"Oh, get on with it," I shot, tired of his stalling

He gave me a crooked smirk. Then it disappeared. "He killed her. Along with the baby."

I didn't say anything. I had done many bad things in my life, and I knew I would be doing more. But that was just gruesome.

Nex shrugged. "It's a rumour. There are more that go along the lines that she killed herself or that she killed the man because she didn't want the baby and then ended up killing herself anyway. You just don't know. Some even say she ran. The point is, she's not there anymore."

I was silent. That was something else. I turned to Nex. "When did this happen?"

"Date varies, but it's around, I think, seven months ago."

Seven months ago. The Maeve family was marrying off their daughter after they had lost their other one. Why? The wedding was planned to be in three months. After that, she was going to be with me. Losing a sister and then going to a stranger. I waved a waiter down to bring another drink and when it arrived, I finished it all.

Bellona Maeve. What secrets are you hiding?

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