c h a p t e r 2

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Hours later was dinner. Y/n grabbed her tray and walked up to the line. A boy working in the lunch looked Y/n up and down.

"Just give me my food, lunch boy." Y/n told him annoyed. The boy brought his face closer to hers.

"And what are you gonna do about it Girly?" He asked.

"I'll rip her head off with my bare hands, now give me the damn food." Y/n said harshly through her teeth, so that no one else heard her. He gulped and quickly poured sloppy food onto her plate.

When she finally got to the end of the line she looked around the room for a place to eat.

"Hey, Girly, come here." X-ray called. Y/n shrugged it off and went over to the table with everyone from her tent. "Scoot over Zig." X-ray told him. Zig picked up his tray and scooted away from the seat, making room for Y/n. She placed her tray down and sat down as all the boys stared at her. The second she looked up all the boys stopped staring except for ZigZag.

"So what they have you in here for Girly?" Squid asked.

"I almost killed a man." Y/n said as she picked at her food casually, with her usual stoic expression.. All the boys shared glances.

"What do you mean almost?" Armpit asked.

"Well, it was my step-dad. Really bad drunk. Caught him hitting my mama for the second time. I grabbed a plate off the counter, smashed his head, punched him a bunch of times, my mama yelled at me, pulled me off him and called the cops on me, said he was attacked, and here I am today, in a camp full of boys who can't stop staring and whistling at me." Y/n told them as she ate her food. She heard a whistle from another table. Her head popped up and she looked at the tables. She found one that was snickering at her and she flipped them off. Zig stared at her in amazement.

"What are you all in for?" She asked them as she ate more of her food. It amazed all the boys at her table that she didn't gag or seem disgusted by the gross food as most of the new boys do when they first try it.

"Hit a police officer for taking my beer bottle." said Squid.

"Beat up two older guys at a movie theater for taking my popcorn." said Armpit.

"Sold bags of dried parsley and oregano for fifty bucks to people who thought they were buying weed," said X-ray.

"Stole a dog." said Magnet.

"Caught robbing a museum," said Barf Bag.

Eyes went to ZigZag as he still looked at Y/n. Y/n turned to him and that's when he looked away.

"What about you Zig? Why are you here?" Y/n asked.

"Um, I set firecrackers off at school and they set off the fire alarms." ZigZag said as he tried to look up at Y/n but looked immediately back down. He felt really nervous knowing Y/n was looking at him. He felt his stomach make a feeling he wasn't used to whenever she said his name. Having a nickname had never bothered him but the way Y/n said his real name made him want to be called Ricky again, just by her.

"Wow. You guys are idiots." Y/n said to them before picking up her tray and leaving.

"Did she just call us idiots?" Armpit asks.

"Yes. Yes she did." ZigZag said in a dreamy state as he watched Y/n walk out of the mess hall.

"Hey! Earth to Zigzag!" X-ray said as he snapped his fingers in front of Zigzags face. Zigzag snapped out of his gaze and looked back at the boys who all gave him puzzled looks.

"Hmm? What?" He asked, oblivious.

"No, no, no. Just-just no." Said Squid as he waves his hand and goes back to eating.

Zigzag looked back at where Y/n had walked away and smiled quietly to himself.


Y/n twisted and turned in her restless sleep. She sighed as she opened her eyes. Armpit snored loudly as he raised his arm above his head. Y/n's face scrunched up in disgust. She sighed again as she ripped the sheet off her, got up, and went outside. She stopped and sat on the steps of the stairs that led up into the tent. She brought her knees to her chest and hugged them. She rested her chin on her forearm and looked up at the starry sky, smiling to herself.

Inside the tent Zigzag woke up to the sound of someone leaving the tent. He opened his eyes and sat up slightly to look out the clear tent doors to see Y/n sitting on the steps. Her hair was down now and it was to the middle of her back. Zigzag looked at her confused, contemplating if he should go out and talk to her or go back to sleep and give her space. He decided going back to sleep would be the best option, she's probably just getting out of the tent because of Armpit.

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