Which Female Rainimator Character Are You

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To find out, take this quiz!

1. Pick a weapon:
a) Spear
b) Sword
c) Daggers
d) Mace
e) Guns
f) I don't need weapons...I got magic!
g) Armsword

2. Who would you want by your side?
a) Myself
b) My closest friends
c) Kane
d) My most trusted soldiers
e) Ser Patrick
f) Rain
g) Dexter

3. Which best describes you?
a) Confident and brave
b) Dependable and determined
c) Sassy and stubborn
d) Resolved and steadfast
e) Couragous and strategical
f) Observant and optimistic
g) Compasionate and cheerful

4. Pick a song:
a) Begin Again
b) Ender Wish
c) Nightmares
d) Cold as Ice: The Remake
e) Wings of Salvation
f) Wither Heart
g) Gotta Get Out of Here

5. Which is your favorite food?
a) Marshmallows!
b) IDK...does it matter?
c) Does alcohol count? 
d) Comfort foods of any kind
e) Pizza
f) Cake!
g) Cookies

6. Pick a hair color:
a) Colors like fire
b) Magenta-purple ombre
c) Grey-blue
d) Brown
e) Blue
f) Purple
g) Pink

7. What is the most powerful force in the world in your opinion?
a) Self-reliance
b) Determination
c) Strength
d) Steadfastness
e) Strategy
f) Magic!
g) Teamwork

8. Which method of travel?
a) Wither Horses
b) Teleportation
c) Horses
d) Walking works
e) Airships
f) Enchanted boats
g) Elytras

9. Last one! What would you be comfortable wearing a lot?
a) Demon-horns headband
b) A hoodie
c) Tall, laced boots
d) Armor
e) A wingsuit
f) Witch hat
g) Uniform

That's it! Check the next section to see who you got!

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