~Oblivious Death~

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A patient was rushed into the emergency room, and my eyes widened when I realized who it was. Kristi Johnson, one of the most famous singers ever. I snapped out of it and frantically asked "What happened?!" "She got hit by a car, it was pretty bad." My co-worker announced. I gulped, because I know that if I fail to save her it'll ruin my reputation. I can't fail this. I gulped as the nurses left the room, and it was all on me. My head was spinning, but I needed to stay calm and help her. I grabbed my tools and got to work.

After what felt like hours her heartbeat stopped. My heart skipped a beat, as I lowered my hands. I stared at her body with no emotion. I couldn't let her die. I just couldn't. I immediately started giving her CPR, but nothing would work. I tried, so hard. But she died. I was known as the best doctor across all lands, but I failed on this. I was too panicked to be able to focus on saving her.

When I finally got home, I idly dropped my backpack on the ground and stared at myself in the mirror. What did I just do? I killed somebody. It was my fault. She died because of me. I could've saved her. I decided to rant about it to my friend. "Well, if it wasn't you then it would've been another doctor. They brought her in too late anyways. She would've died no matter what." My friend, Franki, said. I know she was just trying to convince me that it wasn't my fault, but I could've saved her. "I could've saved her. I'm the best doctor in that whole hospital. I could've made it happen." I said, laying down on my pillow. "I know that you're going to blame yourself no matter what I tell you, but I want you to know that it wasn't your fault. It was the paramedic driver. He got there late and then took a while to get back. But I'm wishing you luck tomorrow at work." Franki said, before hanging up.

I laid down and closed my eyes, but I couldn't fall asleep. I knew that I was just being dramatic over all of this, but I felt terrible. I killed one of the most important celebrities and my career was over. I thought about what Franki said. It really wasn't my fault; it was the drivers. And everyone just left me with the patient. Everyone automatically relied on me to save her, but they didn't help me when she died. I was to save Kristi, and I was blamed for the failure of the operation. They didn't care to help. They didn't care at all. They don't care about anything. They treat you as if you're a god until I mess up once. I was mad at everyone else now, but deep down I know it was just my fault. I can't be blaming anyone, because I could've saved her. But I could've if they helped. I hate this. I don't know who to blame. Me, the driver, the nurses? Who was at fault? Was it really me? Could I have saved her? Was this just a useless thought? I needed to sleep on it, but I couldn't shake off all my thoughts and questions. Everyone is going to be mad at me, I just know it. I mean, it was my fault. I'd be lucky to not get fired after this one.

I woke up and lazily put on my uniform. I knew it wouldn't last for long, but it was whatever. The moment I pulled up to the hospital, eggs were being thrown at my car. People were screaming insults at me, but I didn't care. I expected this stuff. I knew everyone would be mad at me. The moment I stepped out of my car an egg got thrown at me. I heard laughter from the crowd around, but I pushed everyone aside and walked in. Immediately I saw my manager waiting for me in my office. "What now?" I asked, annoyed with everything now. "You're fired." My manager said. "Okay, I'm just going home now." I said getting up. "I didn't want to fire you, but we're going to get sued if we don't. I'm sorry, but you must go. Get your stuff and leave." My manager said, getting up and leaving the room. I showed no emotion, I didn't want to give them all the satisfaction of me being upset that they wanted. I grabbed a box, sighed, and began grabbing stuff off the shelves and throwing it in. I grabbed a sign that I got from my manager. "Just because you fall once, doesn't mean you can't get back up." I scoffed. What a hypocrite.

Once I was done it was already late, so I decided to just walk home since my car was beat up now. I saw a homeless couple with a fire, and I gave them the sign. "You can use this as firewood, or whatever. I don't need it anymore." I said. "Thank you so much! We might be able to sell this." The woman said to me. I nodded and got back to walking.

The wind was pushing a newspaper down the street. I stomped on it, and then picked it up. The front page, of course was a picture of me and a picture of Kristi Johnson. Headliner was "The man who killed Kristi Johnson!" if only they knew the truth. I noticed a man across the street holding the same newspaper as me. He pointed me out to his friend, and they began walking across the street to me. "This is going to be good." I sarcastically muttered to myself. "Hey! You!" The man's friend said. "What?" I said turning my head annoyed. "This you?" He asked, pointing to the newspaper. "Y-yeah that's me. I-"I began to say before getting cut off by the man. "So, you killed Kristi Johnson? Our favorite singer?" The man asked, reaching for his pocket. "Yeah, sorry." I said, just trying to keep walking. The man grabbed my shoulder, and to my shock when I turned around, he was holding a gun. I instantly put my hands up. "W-woah... I didn't mean to kill her I swear! I tried my best." I said frantically. "Save it." He said, before resting his jaw and pulling the trigger. I fell to the ground, a blurry figure stood above me. I heard faint talking in the distance, but I was in so much pain I couldn't even feel it when he shot me again, this time killing me off.

Once I faded awake, I was in an extremely hot room. There was fire and lava everywhere, and I was greeted with a red creature with horns. "Welcome, to hell." The creature hissed, holding out his clawed hand. "Hell?! How'd I end up in hell?!" I asked, taking the creature's hand and getting up. "Well, I spoke to a lot of people through their dreams, and they definitely wanted you here." The creature explained. "Who are you anyways?" I asked. "Satan?" He responded, thinking I would've caught onto that by now. "Wait, wait, wait. So, I'm in hell and face to face with Satan himself? How could this get any worse?" I asked. "Just go in." Satan said, opening the gates. I sighed and walked in, knowing that I had no other choice.

There were demons around me, staring. I was looking around till I bumped into someone. "Sorry, I- "I began, but got cut off from shock of who I bumped into. Kristi Johnson. I began to back-pedal, covering my mouthing. I had so many questions, but the first one that came out was "H-how did you get here?!" "You literally killed me, and now you expect me to tell you my life story?" She said, rolling her eyes. "I know, I know, I'm sorry... but could you please tell me? I feel really bad and after that all happened it ruined my life." I spoke. "Ruined your life?! Ha, I lost mine and you're complaining about how I ruined yours?" She said pushing me out of her way. "Wait!" I said, before losing her in the crowd. "What now?" she asked, turning around. "If you're like a celebrity and all, how did you end up here?" I asked. "That's the exact same question just worded differently." She said, clearly annoyed with me. "I guess I'll tell you. It started when I was 5. Me and my family were put on the streets after being rich. My dad had lost his job. I was annoyed with this and ran away from them. I found a gang, and they threatened to kill me, but they wouldn't on one condition: I joined them. Obviously, I did, and I hurt a lot of innocent people. I do regret it, but I became famous from singing on the streets for years. I had been signing in an alley between an apartment building and a shop. And the first time I ever got luck, there was a person who oversaw record labels and stuff who lived in the apartment building who was interested in my voice. Even after that, I was still with the gang though. And because of that I ended up here." She explained. "That good enough for you?" she said, annoyed that she even had to explain at all.

"If only your fans knew." I spoke. She scoffed. "If only."

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