Let The Games Begin

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Hey thanks for picking this book! I've had the story-line and plot in my head for awhile now but the hardest parts of writing books for me is the beginning of the story. So I'm trying my best so don't give me to much hate.

I also have hard time writing boring parts

So this might be a quick short chapter.

Also I'm gonna change some of the Events and People.

Its my story I get to decide.

Narrators/ T.J POV

A new season of the challenge season 37 is starting up again Spies,Lies and Allies we are currently recording the premiere. So all of the U.S competitors are chained up to this brick tomb and there waiting.

The camera panes to a few of the players then cuts to the international players in the woods.

They have to run into the woods grab and hammer with a key on the end and keep running into the woods until they meet up with the U.S competitors and then they have to extract their partner and keep going with this mission.

And the way to pick their partners is its first come first serve so even if you make it into where the U.S competitors are you better find your partners quickly or they can be gone in just a snap.

~ A Time Skip ~

So lets go over some of the pairings from this mission

We have -

Emanuel & Kaycee

Tori & Kelz

Kyle & Amanda

Nam & Michele

Josh & Lauren

Logan & Aneesa

Ashley & Hughie

Cory & Bettina


Priscilla actually wanted Cory originally but Bettina was able to snip him from under her so Priscilla actually had to go with her back up who was Nelson.

Gabo & Nany

Michaela & Renan

Corey L & Emy

Devin & Tracy

Jordan & CT

Where CT was hiding behind his bricks like I don't know who he was waiting for or I guess he was waiting for someone to actually look for him so Jordan was able to find him

Esther & Fessy

Tommy & Big T


Tacha & Jeremiah

Now the whole point of this mission which is called compromise is extracting your partner, freeing them, freeing their chains from this brick tomb then you have to carry your chains and your safe to the decoding station open up your safe grab the diamond that is inside and run as fast as you can towards me. The first pair to cross the finish line with their diamond win immunity, wins power in the form of the agencies in this season where they are able to send anybody that they want in to the elimination.

Jordan's Pov

Hey y'all so I'm on the challenge unexpectedly I got a call from my agent that they asked to put me on the show. I was really excited because I didn't think I would have the chance to do this I have watched the challenge ever sense I could remember but I never would have thought that I would have this chance. I was currently in my hometown in Romania visiting family and friends when I got the call from my agent. So I had to fly back from Romania to one of my house in Florida that I bought because I was traveling around the world whilst graduating college and doing tackle football and dabbling in different professions slash hobbies on the side of engineering and football such as singing ans song writing, boxing and wrestling,photography and film making and more . Once I had graduated college I had been scouted by a football scout and had been recruited by many different NFL coaches in fact I had just earned the record for the most team offers. I had signed with the Florida Gators ( I don't know I could decide which team I wanted her to play on so I had made a list and numbered them and made siri pick a number.) as the starting quarterback. I had gotten my team to the Superbowl and gotten my team to break a record of undefeated 32-0 which hasn't happened since 1972 dolphins. I had kept my house in Texas because I couldn't part with it mentally and emotionally because this is where I started my career in Texas one of my first ever home I bought by myself. I'm not trying to say i'm spoiled or anything but I have bought penthouses in a few different countries such as Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Australia and the United States and a few other. This is not to brag but I've fallen in love with a few countries that I've traveled to a been given penthouse offers like no others and I just couldn't get myself to say no to most of the offers which got me in the situation in the first place. But here's the thing the offers were the best ever house offer ever and not like some offer like a $300,000 you'd pay 3.5% of $300,000 dollars so you pay $10,500 no nothing like that the offer was if I gave them $10,000 right then and right now the house would be mine and I couldn't just say no (Yes I know that is highly unlikely but I needed a reason to justify the reason why she has several different homes). Yea I know you might be asking why do you have several different houses and just let them sit and let it collect dust the answer is simple I don't I put them on up Airbnb rent them out for all different types of duration from one day to a year the longer they stay from once they reach the fifth month period the price rises. So enough of my airbnb now on to where I am now I'm currently at the airport.I was reading some articles about my games and accomplishments.I was still scrolling through a page about me bring home a record and a Superbowl trophy and rings I brought home I have beating the record of rings Superbowl and regular game rings which my mom makes and they are cheap crappy ones very expensive and elegant. The record which used to be 6 but now my Superbowl wins are 11 and counting and 17 games for the past eleven years of my. So eleven Superbowl rings and 220 games so that is 231 rings in total I can fit 10 on my hand and I asked my mom to make me a chain necklace to put the other two hundred and twenty one rings on them. I had packed them and they were in my bag so It wouldn't be a hassle for security. I had to fly without the U.S competitors because they couldn't know T.J's motive I wasn't supposed to know this but my circumstances I had to know.

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