Can't Sit Still

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Moon was quietly cleaning up the theater by himself, making sure everything was put in its place before he started heading back to the daycare play area, he wasn't sure if Sun and Joyce were finished cleaning yet but he knew he could be helpful to them as well, Moon reached the daycare to see Joyce was cleaning the security desk now, she looked up at Moon as he was looking around.

"Where's Sun?' Moon looked back at her.

She pointed off into the play area, Moon looked to see Sun laying limp next to the ball pit, completely motionless.

"Oh, brother..." Moon complained quietly, "What happened?"

"He said he was taking a rest." Joyce said, "He's too heavy for me to move, so I just waited for you."

Moon sighed as he made his way over to Sun, when he finally reached him he grabbed Sun around the neck and lifted him slightly, Moon knew he wasn't powered down because he was still loose and floppy, usually when powered down they're stiff as a board. Sun turned his head toward Moon as he snickered slightly.

"What happened?" Moon asked, "Taking a rest?"

"Low battery." Sun whispered.

Moon sighed as he lowered him slightly.

"Alright, let's go." Moon complained.

He began taking Sun up to the room, Sun was still giggling as Moon was climbing back up, once they were back in the room Moon carried Sun over to a bed, he dropped him onto it before he began going over to one of the plugs in the wall, he dragged the plug back over to Sun and rolled him over slightly, he moved his paneling out of the way and plugged him in.

"Woo!" Sun threw his hands in the air.

"Stop moving." Moon smacked a pillow against Sun's head.

"I can't help it!" Sun said, "Everything's so exciting! I wanna play more!"

"Look, we're not like the other animatronics, we're built differently." Moon sat beside him, "The others just need to enter the charging station for a bit and they're fully charged, but we've gotta be plugged in for hours to recharge."

"I know, I'm older than you!" Sun rolled over slightly.

"Yeah, but if we move around too much while charging we don't actually charge completely." Moon explained, "Just enter rest mode already and stop moving."

"But there's still so much to do!" Sun complained.

"You'd be charged longer if you actually charged right." Moon folded his arms.

Sun buried his face into a pillow and began complaining, but it was too muffled to understand.

"Alright, bye." Moon stood up.

Sun lifted his head immediately and looked at Moon as he was headed for the daycare again.

"Are you coming back!?" Sun asked.

"I have to charge too!" Moon replied, "Stay put!"

Moon finally went down to Joyce again.

"How's Sun?" She asked.

"Fine, I guess." Moon said, "He refuses to stay laying down at night while charging, so his charge doesn't stick."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear." She said softly.

"I just need to figure out how to keep him still while he charges." Moon said.

"Well, treat him like a child." She said, "That's basically what he is."

"Moon!" Sun called from the room, "Moon, you're taking too long!"

"I'm almost done!" Moon called back, "Don't move!" He turned back to Joyce, "Is there anything you need from me?"

"Nope, you're all done." She replied.

"Alright, I'll take your advice on Sun." Moon said, "We'll see where that takes us."

Moon then went back to the room, he went in to see Sun being dramatic on the floor, whining and rolling around.

"I told you not to move." Moon went over to him.

"But I'm bored!" Sun complained, "Can't we go play? I think I've charged enough!"

Moon grabbed Sun and lifted him back onto the bed, Moon walked over to the wall as well and grabbed his own plug, he went back over to the bed and sat down, he then handed the plug to Sun.

"So who use to plug you in?" Moon asked.

"One of the staff members." Sun began plugging Moon in, "I'd stay plugged in all night."

"That's because you don't stop moving." Moon looked back at him.

"But I get bored!" Sun complained.

"How do you go into sleep mode?" Moon asked.

"No idea." Sun shrugged, "I don't even know if I have one, to be honest, I have no memory of going into one."

Moon sighed, then began lying down on the bed, Sun tried to get up again but Moon grabbed his arm, pulling him back onto the bed, Sun tried to fight him off as he climbed on top of him.

"You can't move if I'm on top of you." Moon said.

Sun began whining as he tried to get Moon off of him, but Moon held onto the edge of the bed so Sun couldn't get rid of him.

"Moon! I'm bored!" Sun complained.

"I'm going to tell you... a story." Moon said.

Sun stopped trying to fight him, now lying still.

"This story takes place in... Rome." Moon continued, "And in the story is Freddy, Bonnie, Monty, and... and you."

"I'm in this story?" Sun asked.

"No, close your eyes and imagine." Moon covered his eyes, "The four of you are walking through Rome looking for ancient Roman treasure." Moon continued, "You had heard that the treasure was in the ancient coliseum, so that's where you were headed. In the team, Freddy was the leader, the one who can get everyone under control, the one who keeps a cool head under pressure. Bonnie was the brains, the man with the plan, the man who knew everything about this place and treasure. Monty was the heavy man, willing to run into danger and fight till the end, he could take out anything with one punch. And you? You were the sneaky one, able to sneak past any security officer, sneak past any trap, and win anything."

Moon realized quickly that Sun was transfixed on this story.

"You all approached the Coliseum and see there are two guards at the door, before you even got there Bonnie had a plan to deal with them." Moon continued, "He and Freddy were going to distract them while you snuck past and inside, so you immediately begin the plan." He began moving off of Sun slightly, "Freddy and Bonnie went over to the guards and begin asking them questions that the tourists would ask, such as when the coliseum would be open. As the guards were distracted you and Monty went over to the side of the coliseum, Monty lifts you into a nearby window and you slip inside, and because Bonnie and Freddy were distracting the guards you were able to easily get them out of the way."

"How did I do that?" Sun asked.

"You... sprayed Fizzy Faz in their face to catch them off guard, then you used your skills in arts and crafts to tie them up in pretty ribbons and bows, they looked like birthday presents." Moon replied, "Then Monty hid them in a nearby room."

"Oh..." Sun seemed to understand.

Moon was glad he was at least able to keep Sun still for the most part.

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