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~ How did you guys meet?[continuation of #5] ~

Aries ♈: Shiki found you severely injured & had to bring you to the hospital where Aya is to get you healed up.

Taurus ♉: After a nice bath, you thought of going in the kitchen to get something to drink, but instead you tripped on something & fell face first... It was a sticky thread. Shiki laugh assuming that it was Akira, but when he saw you he went silent & got confused. [Well, that was awkward]

Gemini ♊: While you were minding your own business, you heard some sort of ruckus from a room. You went to check what was going on, only to be greeted with a pillow thrown to your face. Both Shiki & Akira were surprised to see a new face there, but at the same time, it was kinda awkward that their first impression was throwing a pillow at your face...[Oh well, at least they apologize]

Cancer ♋: You were trying to help a kitten that got stuck in the tree, but after you manage to carry the kitten in your arms, you accidentally slipped & fell off the tree. Luckily, Kabane was there to catch you in time.

Leo ♌: You were working at a cafe & met Akira, he'd never seen you working there before so he asked you if you're new. You answered "yes" & it was your first time there. You both had a nice conversation, the manager doesn't seem to mind as long you continue your work. Yui came along & joined the conversation. You're surprised that Akira turned out to be a boy when Yui mentioned that Akira is his brother.[Good thing you didn't call him "miss"😅]

Virgo ♍: You were reading a comic book that you found on the sofa. You heard someone asking if anyone knows where's his manga is, turns out it was Shiki. When he saw you with his book in hand, he got upset & start asking questions to Inugami about why you were there. [Where did you even get that book from, anyway?🤔]

Libra ♎: You heard screams from the bathroom & it was Akira. He said there was a roach in the bathroom, you decided to help even though you were scared yourself.

Scorpio ♏: Kabane, Shiki & Akira were given a task/mission to find a certain kemono in the forest. As they were searching for the kemono in the forest, they saw you trying to help the injured kemono that they were looking for. As you were trying to help bandage their wound, the three told you to let them handle it. While they were getting them in the car, you were told by Inugami to not tell anyone about the existence of kemono & you agree as you understand the risk of it.

Sagittarius ♐: You were going shopping & saw someone having trouble, it was Akira. Apparently, he didn't have enough to pay for the clothes he wanted to buy. You decided to help & pay for them instead. Akira was thankful for your help.

Capricorn ♑: You noticed a bunch of unorganized boxes next to a door that you assumed to be a storage room. As you were trying to arrange the boxes, a hand suddenly came out from the room & pulled you inside. As you were pulled inside the room, Mihai was confused & so was you. Unfortunately, Mihai wasn't letting you go as he wanted you to be his "waiting person", you weren't buying it though. Luckily, Inugami finally came to help you get out of there & gave Mihai a good scolding. Not that it'll do anything though...

Aquarius ♒: As Akira & Kabane were on their way back to the office, they heard a sound from the alleyway & saw a dark silhouette in the distance. Akira screamed out of fear & apparently scared the figure too. Turns out, it was just you. You were just giving the little puppy some food. Akira apologized to you for screaming & getting the wrong idea. Kabane did the same thing, even though he didn't do anything, though.

Pisces ♓: You didn't know what to do after being brought to the office, so you decided to look around to get familiar with the place. You weren't looking where you were going so you end up bumping into someone, it was Kabane. You both end up apologizing to each other afterwards...

[Holy crap, why did this take so long to finish??? I guess I didn't have brain cells to finish this in one day...😅 If the story or whatever you guys like to call it, seems weird or bad grammar or something, I'm really sorry. It's probably because of my low brain cells. XD]

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