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k guys. I have two things I need to talk about.

1) I'm not sure any more if I'll be needing/using new characters for this story but I was hoping it would be alright with you guys if maybe I used your guys entries for other stories?? yes? no?

2) this story is going on a hold type thing. I'm not sure what to call it... I don't really know what I want to happen next in this book so that's why I suck at updating but I've got some really good ideas for my other book 'his little rebel' so that will be my main focus but if I think of anything I will still be updating this book!

thanks for understanding guys!

(._.) (|:) (.-.) (:|) (._.)


p.s. 8,986 reads?!?! wow that's awesome!! its almost 9,000!! I honestly didn't think anyone was gonna read this so that's awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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Creatures of the Night (1D/Vampire) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now