My Strict Roommate

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I'm relaxing in bed, savoring the last day of my vacation, when I hear the apartment door open and shut. Maddie must be home early.
Oh shit.
Shit shit shit.
I promised to clean the living room before she returns from work. Needless to say, I did not complete the task.
I tense as I hear her walk deeper into the apartment. Silence fills the apartment as Maddie sees the absolute wreck that is the living room.
I debate whether or not I should preempt the confrontation, and go apologize immediately, but I can't bring myself to do it.
Maybe if I pretend to be sleeping, she will not want to bother me. I close my eyes as I hear Maddie approach my room.
"Ash," She taps on my bedroom door. I don't respond, wanting to remain 'asleep'.
"Ashlyn," her voice is insistent as she opens the door and walks inside. I remain still. Maddie sits on my bed and shakes my arm. "Ash, I can tell you're not sleeping. You better sit up right now, if you know what's good for yourself."
I open my eyes slowly and squint up at her, maintaining my front of having just woken up. "Wha-"
Smack! In two swift moves, Maddie yanks off my covers and delivers a stinging slap to my bare thigh.
"Ahhh!" I curl up into a fetal position and hug my thighs close to my chest. "What was that for?"
Maddie purses her lips. "I can tell when you are pretending to sleep. You should know that by now," She shakes her head. "You know how much I hate when you lie. You just earned yourself an additional punishment tonight."
I roll my eyes. "Come on, Maddie, I'm sorry, okay? Just forget it."
Smack! Smack! I jump as these land on my left buttcheek.
"Ashlyn, you need to learn your lesson and stop with this nonsense. Now, what happened with the living room?"
I shrug.
"Ahhh! Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" I take a deep breath. "I was planning to clean it. I must have lost track of time. I'll do it now." I sit up.
Maddie raises her eyebrows. "Lost track of time? It's almost five o'clock, Ashlyn. The girls are coming in two hours! And the state of the apartment is disgraceful. You had all day to clean up. This is unacceptable." She points to the corner next to the closet. "Go stand there while I clean up the living room and decide what to do with you." She stands up.
"No, Maddie, let me clean it! I'm sorry," I know that if she does the job that I'd promised to do, my situation will be even worse.
"Absolutely not. You had your chance to do it. Now, I need the job done quickly, and I will do it faster than you." She snaps her fingers. "If you are not in that corner in three seconds, your punishment will be doubled."
I sigh and rush to the corner.
"Hands on your head," Maddie says sternly. I obey. "I am leaving the door open so that I can see you. If I catch you moving, even one inch, you will be receiving this punishment every day for the rest of the week. Am I clear?"
"Yes ma'am," I say quietly.
Maddie walks out, and begins bustling around in the living room.
I sigh. In my opinion, corner time is torture time. I have ADHD, and standing still for an extended period of time is extremely difficult for me, as is controlling the urge to let my hands drop and go back into bed.
In general, I have always suffered from poor executive functioning skills. When Maddie moved in six months ago, we became close. I shared with her that I've always felt the need for discipline, and she offered to help me.
We sat at the computer, and searched for different methods of discipline. When we came across spanking practices, I nervously laughed it off. Yet five months later, here I am, in this familiar position awaiting yet another spanking.
My arms grow tired, and I squeeze my eyes shut, wanting to be finished with this, but not eager for the spanking that is sure to come straight after. I suppose corner time is a good method to increase trepidation before a punishment. It certainly heightens my anxiety. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, but it's no use.
After what seems like forever, Maddie steps back into my bedroom.
"Can I please put my arms down?" I ask tentatively.
She walks closer to me, until we are nearly touching. "Did I give you permission to speak?"
My breath catches in my throat. "No ma'am."
I hear her sit on my bed. Maddie often does this. She'll drag corner time out, just to build the tension. Reluctant as I am to admit, it works.
I wait.
A few minutes pass. My arms are shaking a bit.
"All right," Maddie says softly. "You may put your hands down and turn around."
I obey, straightening my stiff arms slowly as I turn to face Maddie. She gets up from the bed and is suddenly standing in front of me. Her eyes pierce as she stares at me. I can feel my heartbeat quicken.
"What happened today was unacceptable," She states.
I nod.
"You need to learn how to manage your time better, and keep your word. I am extremely disappointed in you."
Maddie tucks her fingers into my shorts and pulls them down, then lets them drop to the floor. Next, she lifts my cami to expose my bare breasts, and folds it a few times to make sure it stays.
Now I'm standing before her nearly naked, aside from my skimpy blue panties.
Although she's seen me like this numerous times, I can feel my cheeks reddening. There is something about being undressed by someone else that can be innately humiliating. I look away, ashamed.
Maddie takes my chin and turns my face, so that I'm looking her in the eye.
"Do you understand why you deserve this punishment?"
I grimace. "Yes ma'am."
"Good. Now bend over, and put your hands on the wall. "
I obey. Maddie pushes down on my back to get me to bend lower. I do.
At this point, my stomach hurts and I can feel the anxiety in my throat.
I stare at the wall in front of me as Maddie leaves the room, and returns a moment later. Although I cannot see what she is holding, I'm sure she brought an implement. The urge to look is overwhelming, yet I control it, and continue scrutinizing the wall.

to be continued...

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