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Grammar mistake


y/n's pov

i open my eyes again.seing nothing but darkness i quickly sat up in stantaneously.

i expected to feel the texture of my bed on my fingers,but to my surprise i felt nothing but cold,hard ground.

"oh your awake!"i gulped,looking around and seing nothing but absolute darkness that it's starting to scare me.

i can't even see the owner of that voice around the darkness

"you seem to be scared is there something wrong?"when i felt a presence behind me,i pursed my lips for moment before turning around to see who was talking to me through this weird dream.

"you ok master??"A random girl who seems to be the same age as me

i felt my eyes went wide in fear knowing i don't know what going on,i glace up to her face and saw her feature

she had kitsune mask cover half of her face,she also had long black hair,she wore kimino i think

"well ahem. nice to meet you master [name]!"she spoken with warm smile on her lips but i stood up,stumbling for a moment before making myself sure to memory her features

i dont want to assume anything about their gender but am sure shes i female.

"h-hold on,how do you know my name and where am i?"i look around once more.

"well just like you think it is,in a middle of nowhere in a dream you could say lucid dreaming right now."she answers with shrug,"you do know what lucid is right? master."

"who are you?,why are you calling me your master?" ignoring her question then,facing her with a frantic look on my face.

"you can call me sukie or just call me whatever you want it to be,and to your question,that's because i'm actually the one who brought you here master."they began to act like this is a completely normal situation

"and beside i did feel your desire of wanting to change something in your life and be able to feel that strong emotion everyone;love!"sukie or kitsune girl said a internally choked on my spit,i didn't actually expect it to be real.

thought this kind of stuff only happens in fanfics,wattpad,books and movies making desire come true that is ridiculous.

"well,let me ask you this question then master"she disappearing into nothingness and leaving me alone in this dark place.

"do you want to change your life?"sukie's voice echoed around the space once more and more and once that question came out of her mouth,i looked down to the black ground as if i'm staring into nothingness.

"well.. yes i do but what about my parents?.."i mumble but when i heard sukie giggles i assume she must've heard my answer.

"don't worry about your parents!,they will not know that your gone since there will be a puppet replacing you there!"she said

"and since your answer is 'yes' i will now grant you that!"sukie suddenly appear infront of me that i shrieked and stumbled back in surprise.

she didnt laugh or anything but their creepy unending smile stayed on her lips.

"what do you want from me anyways?"i give them perplexity and skepticism,wondering how in the world she can even do that.

"well.. What i want from you." she pointed at me

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