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"Hello, wife,"

My head shot up as I heard the sharp thuds of my husbands shoes against the floor. His voice was a melody and I haven't grown used to him greeting me like that every time he saw me. I smiled at my husband, and he smiled at me.

"Hello, husband,"

"You're in my chair,"

I huffed out a laugh as I leaned back in the black leather chair. "Our chair," I corrected, and Vitterio bowed his head and said, "Forgive me, our chair."

I nodded once as if pleased with his correcting himself. He gave me a lopsided smirk, "I have someone coming in ten, princess. Get up," He jutted his chin out at me, and I rolled my eyes and pushed myself out of his office chair, and sat in the one at the window. The one I would usually sit in when he's doing meeting.

I watched as he pulled his trousers up slightly before he sat, and then cross one leg over the other as he rolled the sleeves of his black button down up to his elbows.

God, he was beautiful.

He lit a cigarette even at my disapproving sigh.

He turned his chair halfway to look at me and gave me a little smile. I rolled my eyes again, even though I was smiling. I looked out of the window onto the green grass, smiling at the little girl with the hair down to her waist. She ran away from Freddie, although he couldn't run after her as much anymore, he still tried.

He caught her and swung her into the sky, and she laughed so loud I could almost hear it. Her hair fluttered in the wind and Freddie put her on the grass, tickling her belly.

"Good morning, Mr Jacobs,"

My husbands voice brought me back to the room, and I watched as he stood and shook an older mans hand, and I instantly knew Mr Jacobs was drug cartel. He wore a white suit with a weird tie, and his sparse hair was combed and gelled back. He looked like the stereotypical drug lords you see in movies.

Jacobs smiled at my husband and then his eyes travelled to me.

"Uh, I don't know if a lady like yourself would want to hear about this, miss."

I flashed my ring at him, "Misses. And I'm an equal share in my husbands enterprise. Take a seat, Mr Jacobs. We don't have all day,"

I flickered my gaze to Vitterio, seeing him smile at Mr Jacobs made me smile too. The man sat in his chair, and fixed his tie before he began.

"Mr Rossi," He cleared his throat, sweating under the gaze of my husband. "I've been trying to get a meeting with you for months now,"

Vitterio laughed softly, kindly, "I know. Forgive me, my consigliere had just been in a terrible accident and he needed all hands on deck. You have my attention now, I'm at your disposal," The sweaty man smiled and I noticed a gold tooth.

"Perfect." He wiped his forehead with his handkerchief. "I heard you retracted your company from El Mundo's cartel a few months—"

"Two years ago," I interrupted, cocking my head. "I'm sorry, but you're only hearing of it now?"

Jacobs laughed and looked at Vitterio with an expression that made my blood boil. "Is it truly needed for your wife to sit in with your meetings, Mr Rossi? Women aren't actually supposed to handle the dealings of La Famiglia. What would your elders say?"

Vitterio smiled, but under the table his leg started bouncing.

"My elders are dead for a reason. Maybe it was because they didn't listen to their woman, I don't know. But I'd rather not take that chance. If a woman being in a more powerful setting than you makes you feel uncomfortable, I fear you might need to leave now. My wife handles the expenses of La Famiglia. That is her job. I deal with dealings and men who offend her."

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