jaxson's letter

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the famous jaxon. i bet you wanted your name in here. i mean, you did want to be the center of attention 24/7. you lived for the spotlight; and would certainly do anything it took to get you there. (whether it was illegal or not) and now, since everyone will hopefully be seeing these letters; you finally get the spotlight you truly deserve. you're welcome. 

but you my friend, you took the illegal route. which i guess, didn't matter to you, because you still went through with it, even if it meant that you would spend the next two years in jail.

that really doesn't matter now though, since you've been out for.. what is it now? a year? 

they shouldn't have let your ass out of there to be completely honest.

but jaxon.. i bet you didn't know that what you did not only hurt you; but it hurt me too. 

maybe i should tell all the people reading what you did to me. 

now before i describe anything; let me just say that not only were you being illegal; you could have easily killed me. (oh wait you actually did ha)

you had the audacity to go into the main office at school and get into the records of all the students there. of course; you grabbed mine (for what reason.. i have no clue) but you took my records and discovered my address. then you thought it would be hilarious to show up a week later at my house while i was home alone. 

you thought it would be great to not only egg my house, but also to break open a few windows in my room. you never stole anything, but you did end up costing my parents thousands of dollars in money that it cost to fix up the mess you created. 

and here comes the part where you actually hurt me. i was in my room right at the time you decided to break the windows, and i bet you remember what happens next. 

a couple of the bigger pieces of the window flew right at me, and ended up hitting me in my legs and face; which meant of course a hospital visit, also costing my parents more money.

now i really didn't know what your motive was with this act, but i guess i'll never figure that out because, well you know, i'm dead. 

i hope those school records were worth it.


        your "victim", sage

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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