Chapter 1

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《Aralee's POV》

'I have never been so glad to go back to Hogwarts.' Harry says when we get through Platform 9 3/4 'Me too.' I agree. 'I'm gonna go find Draco.' I continue. I start looking around. I see his father. Maybe he knows. Draco's standing next to his father. I run up and hug him. 'Hello Draco.' I say excitedly, stepping back. 'Hello Aralee. How where the muggles?' 'Ugh awful as usual.' I say. Someone behind him clears their throat. 'Oh right! Aralee Potter this is Mattheo Riddle. Mattheo Riddle this is Aralee Potter.' 'How do you know Draco?' He says in a voice that I guess is supposed to be threatening. 'Hmmm let me think. Oh yeah, I've known him since first year! How silly of me to forget.' 'Draco you really put up with this Gryffindor?' He asks. I look behind me. 'Did I miss something? Is there like a Gryffindor behind me or something?' Draco's just standing in shock. 'You're the Gryffindor.' Mattheo growls. I laugh. 'I'm the Gryffindor? Heh. You could be a comedian.' Draco speaks up. 'Were going to miss the train if you two don't stop.' 'I suppose your right.' I sigh. I walk onto the train and take my usual seat by the window. Draco sits next to me. 'Sorry about him. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes.' Mattheo sits across from us. 'Why is she here?' He says. I sigh. 'Because I'm a Slytherin you bloody idiot.' He looks slightly surprised. 'You have no idea who I am do you?' He asks. 'Oh my apologies your highness. I forgot that because your the son of Voldemort, we all have to bow when you pass us in the halls.' I say sarcastically. Draco snorts. Mattheo glares at him. 'If your a Potter why aren't you in Gryffindor?' 'I'm to fabulous for all those peasants.' I reply, opening a book.

÷Timeskip where they change into their robes, walk into the great hall and sit down.÷

'Ok but why wouldn't that work?' I ask Pansy. 'If it has batteries it's not technically technology.' She opens her mouth and closes it. 'Yeah I'm out of reasons.' She says, giggling. 'Draco help me out here.' He looks at us both. 'Sorry, but Ara kinda has a point.' He says. 'Exactly. So CD players and walkmans should work!' I say triumphantly. Mattheo hasn't said a word. Weird. 'Anyway, I brought a walkman this year!' I exclaim.  'For experimental reasons, of course.' 'Dinner's over!' Dumbledore yells.

A/N: So that was all over the place sorry.
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