Chapter 24

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    At the northern border, there are rubble walls everywhere, with sand and gravel lying everywhere on the ground. A temporary shelter built in the distance collapsed after being bombed, and only one wall was still struggling to support it.

    The battle just now was too intense, and the other party actually had a heavy firepower army. This time, the Sirius Mercenary Group’s raid was a bit miscalculated. Two of the eight people were seriously injured, and they had reached the point where they could no longer fight. Injured, captain Sun Wei was hit by a monster on his left arm, the wound saw bones, and the third's leg was wiped by a bullet casing.

    Now only the fourth Liu Qingyun, Wu Qingcang and the sniper Li Tianyu are left in good health.

    What surprised and gratified the Sirius team was that Wu Qingcang had already killed two of the four monsters alone, and the other side had also lost a lot. If all the monsters were removed, the remaining one would have been taken out by Sirius mercenaries. The regiment hit the disabled Japanese squad, and Tanaka Xiaoguang had nowhere to escape.

    In the end, Sun Wei winked and the others took cover. Liu Qingyun, Wu Qingcang and Li Tianyu were ready to fight against those two monsters for the last time. Because the situation of the injured two people can no longer be delayed.     Captain Sun Wei pinned almost all his hopes on Wu Qingcang. He nodded at Wu Qingcang, and then he and several other bruised team members lay on the side of the broken wall and held the gun steady.     The three of Liu Qingyun rushed out quickly.     In fact, Wu Qingcang's heart is still very complicated, because he found that although the four monsters have the same characteristics as himself, they have long nails and their eyes will change color, but the long purple nails can't stretch as freely as he does. Their nails are fixed and cannot be retracted, and the color of their eyes can't return to the black of normal people. They can only be in this fixed form. They can't see the light and can't speak. They are completely like a killing machine. People use it continuously.     Even the lethality of those thick and long nails can't be compared to Wu Qingcang's. There was a monster who was directly slashed by Wu Qingcang's fingernails that suddenly stretched out, causing him to keep beating on the spot in pain. Howling in the chest, and in the end, the sniper Li Tianyu gave him a head blow and died.

    In fact, Li Tianyu didn't need Li Tianyu to give the monster the last blow. Wu Qingcang could have stabbed his finger into the monster's heart and took the monster's life.     But Wu Qingcang didn't choose to do this, because once the monster's nails were cut off, it seemed that the pain would be unbearable.     Wu Qingcang remembered his nails for a moment, and he couldn't help thinking, what would happen if his nails were cut off one day? Would it be better to die than to live like them? And then get shot in the head again and disappear from this world forever?     At that moment, he suddenly felt a sense of pity for these monsters that he had never had before. It might be because of the same disease that caused a strong resonance in his heart. He heard Captain Sun Wei say that these few The monster was brutally deprived of its humanity by Tanaka Xiaoguang, and it was transformed into what it is now after repeated inhuman experiments. It has no thoughts and no self, and can only be reduced to a weapon in the hands of others.     In Wu Qingcang's view, their life is really no fun at all. Although Wu Qingcang can't remember the past and was scolded as a monster when he was a child, how lucky he is to have such a person who is willing to stay He loves him by his side, buys food and clothes for him, and takes care of his daily life and needs. From the moment this person appeared in his life, he was firmly close to Wu Qingcang's heart, and he gave him something he had never had before. The warmth of the past, thinking of it will make Wu Qingcang feel hot for a while. In the future, there may be no one who can bring him this feeling. Maybe his life is just this person...     It's because of this person. Because of the existence and guidance of him, he did not lose himself like these monsters, nor was he caught and made a test object, and he lived in an environment without emotion and self-respect.     In the confrontation with the monster, he did not make a dead hand at first, but after several dangerous encounters, he calmed down after seeing the shape of the monster.     The monster in front of him has long purple-red nails and dull eyes. There is no fear or fear in it, only pain and death. They will keep waving the nails of both hands and stabbing at the target until the moment of death. .

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