Liz created group chat
Seriously Seb?
You do know you can be father
without being with the mother
Asshole Yildiz was heartbroken
I've never seen her like that EVERMackattacks
Wait she really likes him
Aw does she need us?Seabass
I don't know what to do
I really don't. Help. Alejandra
Keeps guilt tripping me
Idk man I really didn't mean
It. I like her too. She charmed me
As soon as I saw that
Smile. You have no idea LizLiz👑
Figure it out and then do apologise
Otherwise I will kill you. KILL YOU
Anyways yes hot widow
let's go have a karaoke night
She loves that shitRichmofo
Don't you dare hurt my daughter
I will rain fire on youOld man
Im here. Still with the old man?
Seb follow your heart as much
As my heart is breaking.
Figure it out with Alejandra
About the baby and then go apologise
I will literally throw the shield at
Your head if you don't.Seabass
I figured it out check
Instagram in a bit ;)
Magic in that smile
FanfictionSocial media inspired. 27 year old Yildiz Ariel Lee who is British-Turkish and also happens to be Elizabeth's best friend from years ago gets an opportunity from her best friend that changes everything.