I'm scared , two words I don't like to say. They hold power , they hold weight.
They're enough to make me feel like the walls are collapsing on me on an never ending scale.
They make me feel vulnerable.
I'm scared i'll never love myself
I'm scared no one else will
I'm scared that i'll wake up every morning feeling like this.
I'm scared i'll live my life living for other people when I should be living for me
I'm scared i'll live my last day on this earth full of regret.
So , I lock my door and open the window to let some fresh air in.
I take the rings off my hand and the weight of what is my chain I hold close to me and I let my music stream my ears and fill my brain of perfect scenarios.
Let it drown out my fears
Let it be the only thing I hear.
If the sounds aren't enough to drown out the thoughts and the voices that control them
Someone is going to wake up to something they don't want to find.