Chapter Six: Flaming Kiss

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"Okay! Okay!" I giggled, trying to catch my breath as we ran across the large field, the wind blew through my messy hair and the cold air hit my face. Our hands were linked together, we pulled each other across the plains, smiling and giggling.

"Come on! Tell the story again!" Valtor encouraged, in his own laughing fit after chasing me up the small hill into the field, it was a secret place he knew about, but I decided to beat him there.

"Okay so, before I knew I was a fairy, my mother would want help every summer in her flower shop. It seems like every year, during the summer, she plays a prank on me. She came into my room, told me I slept very late and that I shouldn't stay up so late in the night. Of course, my nerd brain disagreed, I just had to finish that chapter of the fairy book!" I emphasised, making him laugh slightly as we sat down under an oak tree.

"well, she simply said, 'you're late Bloom' and then it seemed as if a bomb had gone off inside my head! I almost fell out of my bed, stubbing my toe in the process and continued to dress for school, not wanting to have another detention." I sighed, rolling my eyes

"All whilst Vanessa just stood there, quietly giggling until the cogs in my brain started turning. There wasn't even school!!" I groaned, hitting my head on his shoulder

"I can't understand why you find this story so funny! It's so boring and stupid!" I sighed, as he gently closed the gap between our hands

"It's just another thing I can learn about you! You like to sleep in, and you definitely aren't a morning person!" He laughed, looking down at me with a smile on his face

"And, you are quite frankly the opposite of me! I love mornings and I get up at exactly 8am sharp!" He stated proudly making me giggle

"Hey, you wanna see something cool?" I asked him, standing up

"Sure" He replied, also getting up from the soft grass, following me back down the hill and back to the lake

I ran down the hill, and straight into the water, and placed my hands on top of the surface

within a minute, a small blue and orange water dragon had erupted from the lake, peacefully dancing around us. He gawked at the sight, before doing the same

but his dragon had purple, black, blue, and orange coulors. Which made me question his ranks. Those dark coulors usually represent dark magic...

"Bloom, would you like to go have a snack back at my room?" Valtor asked nervously, his hand was on the back of his neck, and I could feel the nervous waves coming off him.

Should I go? If he uses dark magic I don't want to be associated with another evil person. Can I really trust him?

"Um-" I began, before being interrupted by the grumble of my stomach. I looked up at him, he seemed to hold a genuine look in his eyes,

"Well, I Guess thats your answer! I'd love to!" We both laughed, and began to make our way to his room. I don't know what I'm worried about


"Okay! But that was the best meal I have had in ages!" I shrieked, as we sat on his bed and ate the remains of the dessert we had ordered

"Yeah, I must agree! That was rather delightful" He sighed, sitting back down after cleaning our plates.

"You know, it's crazy to think we met each other a week ago now!" I sighed, leaning into his chest as he drank his tea

"Yeah, its crazy, when do you go back to Alfea? I'm surprised they've let you stay this long" He asked, beginning to play with my fire-like hair

"I don't know, Stella just told us all we should relax because we all look like we haven't slept in weeks" I laughed at the memory, Stella in her hands on hips pose lecturing us all about our appearances.

"I'm grateful for that then, I've got to spend more time with you" Valtor smirked

"What would you do without me?" I asked, turning to properly face him on the bed

"Hmm, I'm not sure" He smirked, "I'm glad I have you" he poked my nose playfully

"Ooh, look who's becoming a bit of a flirt hmm?" I laughed, and slapped his shoulder

"I guess so, I was a bit of a sad man before meeting you Bloom" He sighed

Just as I was about to reply, my phone beeped

"Oh! Sorry Val! Stella wants the Winx to meet up. Somethings wrong. I bet it's her outfit again" I groaned, and crawled off his bed

"Damn, what a party pooper" He replied, following me off the bed, and down the hall

"I'll let you know when I can come and see you next okay?" I told him, and gave him a hug as he nodded his head. He held me tightly, pulling me as close as he could making me blush

"Alright, I'll see you soon" I said, turning away to leave

but before I could, I felt a tight, cold grasp on my arm, then a warm feeling on my lips

I opened my eyes and was met with his. Our lips connected, making my eyes widen,

He pulled away slowly, his cheeks tainted a slight red.

Slowly, I grabbed the collar of his shirt, and pulled him back to my level, placing a quick mellow kiss on his lips.

I pulled away, out of breath slightly, smiling up at him. Now we were both flustered, but both of us shared the same look in our eyes


"That was, well, amazing" Valtor laughed, pulling me into his side, brushing strands of hair out of my face

"yeah, it really was. I never took you to be such a good kisser" I teased

"Well, you never know until you try" He smirked, stealing another quick but none the less passionate kiss on the lips, before letting me go

After waving goodbye to him, my stomach erupted with butterflies, the feeling of his lips on my own had never left me, and it still felt like he was holding me here.

I could feel my face still burning brightly but paid no attention to it.

"He kissed me!" I quietly rejoiced to myself, happiness soaring through my veins

It was truly a flaming kiss

I smiled to myself as I continued to walk back to the castle to see Stella, a spring in my step so to say.


"Girls, I've got something to confess to you all" Stella said sadly

"Whats wrong Stell?" I asked, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder

"The truth about why we have been here for so long" She sighed, a frown forming on her face

"Girls, the truth is. Ugh you're all going to be so annoyed" She cried, rubbing her face with her hands, "The reason we are still here is because Mrs F wanted us to have a break before our next, our next mission" She finally admitted, slumping to the floor

"What do you mean mission? No one's told us anything" Musa replied, taking her headphones off properly

"It's a secret mission. Someone has escaped the omega dimension and we are needed to take them back. It's going to be difficult" Stella groaned

I frowned at the thought of not seeing Val, but I knew this mission was important. This person was evil enough to be in the omega dimension for magix sake

"We'll be leaving before tomorrow afternoon, so you girls better get your things ready. We'll be in for a ride"

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