Zayn's beautiful face

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We all love Zayn. But what we love most is his face. You can't even lie.

Zayn was flipping hot model with a rebellious side. He was sweet, kind and caring. He was the whole bloody package.

But Tessa didn't want the package. She returned to sender. But when she told him to leave and never come back she broke down into tears AFTERwards.

But boy did this guy have determination.

He kept coming back like a "fucking cockroach" as Harry put it.

Sometimes you cheered when Zayn came.

(Zessa shippers)

Sometimes you screamed "go away Zayn she has Harry"

(Everyone else)

That book sent everyone experiencing emotions they never knew existed.

I cried. I NEVER cry. Ever!

I mean, After sent everyone on a emotional roller-coaster.

When Harry cried, we cried.

When Tessa laughed, we laughed.

(Mainly because it was Harry who made the joke)

When Steph tried to hurt Tessa, we wanted to jump through our screens and murder the hoe.

But we didn't because we're nice people. :)

When Harry broke Zayn's nose, we all cried. I mean he might as well shave off his beautiful hair while he's at it.

But then we would lose money because we all threw our phones like hulk at the nearest wall.

Does anyone think about the wall's feelings?

What would it say?

"Ouch, that hurt charlie"

Now that I think about it, it's better if the walls stay inanimate because then they would be watching you all the time. Creepy.

Speaking of walls don't Harry and Tessa ever think about their neighbours?

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