Chapter 12

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*Sierra,Stefan,Elena,Bonnie,Damon and Caroline come up with a plan to put Katherine back on the other side*



*Damon and Stefan invite Katherine to the mansion*

Katherine:Good evening brothers.Why was I invited?

*Damon looks at Bonnie*

Damon:Just for a nice meal.

*Katherine smirks*


*Stefan and Damon both look at Bonnie*

Author-I don't know the incantation for wind.


*The hell portal opens*

Katherine:Bonnie please,No.


*Katherine "falls"into the portal as it closes*

*Damon and Bonnie sigh*

Damon:Wait where is Stefan?

*Bonnie eyes widen*

*Damon eyes widen*

Bonnie:You don't think I?

*Damon looks around for Stefan*

Damon:It seems to be the only solution.But it's fine,I'm sure we'll get him back.

Bonnie:You mean me and I don't know how.

Katherine:Seems like you have a situation.



Damon:Didn't you fall into the portal?


Damon:Great Bonnie,just great how could you mess this up.

Bonnie:Excuse me you asked for my help.How is it my fault that your brother was in the way and the portal took him inside of Katherine?You know what I'm just going to go.

*Bonnie walks away*

Katherine:Oh...Trouble in Paradise.

*Damon rolls his eyes*

Katherine:Don't flatter yourself.I don't want to be with you either.

*Damon gives Katherine vervain then locks her in a jail cell*

*Bonnie walks back towards Damon and Katherine*

Bonnie:You really need to get more control over your angry issues Damon.

Damon:Whatever Bonnie.*Damon walks her away*

Katherine:Bonnie..Can you unlock the door?

Bonnie:Not now,I have to work.

*Katherine breaks the lock*

Katherine:Maybe,I could help.*she begins walking towards Bonnie*

Bonnie:Why would you want to help put yourself in the outside again?

Katherine:I thought the plan was to help Stefan get out from the other side.

Bonnie:That's apart of it.

Katherine:Never mind I don't want to help.

Bonnie:Exactly what I though.

Katherine:You know Bonnie Bennet.I like you.You are smart,and self-less.I guess Enzo really got himself a winner.But what I don't understand is why you hang out with people like Damon,and Elena?When all I ever see is them using you.

Bonnie:Because I love them.And maybe if you weren't so selfish and self-absorbed you'd see that.

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