Chapter 1 : First day of school

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10th of January, 2022

" Shit I'm going to be late " Zee said jumping out of bed, Today was the first day of school and she liked keeping a clean record

In school......
" Hey !!! " Zee said entering the class only to meet few of her friends " Hi " they replied and took turns to hug her. In Zee's class there are only 7 girls which are : Zeeirl, Helic, Vikky, Bekky, Mila, Jane and Damzell but at that moment only Helic, Bekky, Mila and Jane were in the class when Zee got in.
" Wow, you girls have gotten bigger " Zee said " not just us, you girl " Bekky said " Me ? " " Yes you, you've added more weight " Helic said " really, I have ? " Zee asked because she didn't think she added weight and at that moment they heard the bell which signified the morning assembly " Let's go for the assembly " Jane said going to the assembly hall while the others followed behind her.

At the assembly......
" Good morning students " The principal said " Good morning Sir " They chorused while Damzell and a few other students entered the hall.
" Hey guys " Damzell said " shh " They all hushed her " Huh ?, What happened ? " She asked " Nothing, just stop talking " Helic said keeping a straight face " Your results for last term was very poor but this term I want you all to do well okay ? " He said " Okay " They all replied with determination to do well written all over their faces " you can all go back to your classes now " He said while the students went back to their various classes
On their way..... " You guys are ignoring me right ? " Damzell asked pouting " uhh.... " " What ? " She asked getting angry now " nothing, it's just your hair " Helic said while the others burst out laughing " haha very funny " Damzell said sarcastically. Damzell was a dark skinned girl with black eyes, she packed her hair into two buns " where's Vikky "  she asked " she did not come today because she hasn't come from her Christmas holiday " Zee replied while they entered their classroom

" Ahh..... What do we have now ? " Bekky asked " we have mathematics " Jane replied while  reading a book " There's a teachers meeting so we are free for this period " Mila said sitting " Okay, since we are free, tell me about your christmas holiday " Helic said after like 5 minutes silence " okay....... And that's how I spent my christmas holiday " zee said and at that moment they heard the bell which indicated that it was time for their next lesson " We have civic next " Jane said " I don't think she's part of the meeting " Mila said and dew minutes later Mrs. Jones walked into their class " Good morning girls " " Good morning Mrs Jones " they chorused " Hope you all enjoyed your christmas holiday " she asked " Yes ma we did, what about you ? " They asked " I did too thank you " she replied and they all started the work they had for the day.
That period went smoothly for the girls and during their lunch break they all continued chatting.
" So, where are my new year presents ? " Damzell asked " We didn't get " Jane replied chuckling softly " uh.... Guys ? " Mila said gaining their attention " My birthday is in two weeks time, you remember right ? " She asked " ooh..... I almost forgot " Bekky said slapping her forehead " well, I'm reminding you and I'm inviting you all for the party " Mila replied " okay, we'll come " they all replied and she was happy. They ate their food and left the cafeteria after lunch time was over
" The teachers have been called for another meeting " Helic said sighing " Let's use this opportunity to do something productive " Jane said " Yes " they all replied
      ***  30 minutes later ***
" Guys " Damzell said but got no response " Guys !! " She said this time gaining their full attention " yeah ? * They all said looking at her " we have a class meeting now " she said and they all gathered round her " okay the main reason I called you guys here is to tell you guys a story I heard " she said and started telling the story but as she was talking she was interrupted by Mila who kept on explaining better since she was the one who told Damzell the story " okay thanks Mila " Damzell said and as she was about to continue the story they heard a scream from Janes direction, the reason Jane screamed was because a cobweb flew on her " I'm sorry, continue " Jane said and Damzell continued and as she was about to end the story Bekky interrupted her by saying something that she knows is related to the story and at this point Damzell was very frustrated
Author : poor Damzell
Damzell finally finished the story after a few minutes and after everyone made their comments, they all went back to what they were doing.....
After a few minutes, they saw that zee was writing something and was asking of Bekky's opinion and they noticed that it had happened for a while and they wanted to see what she was doing but she didn't even allow them take a peek and kept saying that she was writing her novel
So.... When she was not looking they took the book from her table and when she tried to get it they threw it to each other and the book tore, Zee was sad but didn't show it and instead decided to laugh it out and the day went smoothly for the girls

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