The Real Dungeon "1"

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Giant lion like body , white feathers ruffling in their wings , a sharp eagle like head and sharp claws

Bell watched as the pack of griffins rushed down the mountain ignoring all the fast freezing winds.

Even far from them , he felt intimidated by their presence . The giant albinos were flying all in a specific direction, like they were tracking a prey . Bell tried to focus his vision on the valley ahead of him. He saw a humanoid like body with a heavy white fur like a bear , it kept stumbling as they run in the rocky frozen area. Not far above behind the griffins were closing the distancing from the air. Bell noticed that the griffins were more organized than just any normal frenzy monsters he encountered which indicated that they had a sense of intelligence . As he was lost in his thoughts a voice interrupted his line of thoughts

" I guess that's your trial ?" Faenur said

" maybe , Should I try to save him?" Bell asked

" its up to you , we wouldn't know whats going on here unless we interact with the floor , like I said before , the dungeon from here on is different , as to how I don't really know"

with a sigh bell rose to his feet , wrapped his cloak tightly around his body and jumped forward , he tried to avoid any unnecessary contact with snow so he doesn't loose any mana but that made another problem , it would take longer time to navigate his way down. Which the phoenix noticed " you wont make it that way , I have an idea , jump from that rock and spread your hands "Faenur explained ," what are you going to do ?" bell asked , but the answer came earlier , as he felt more freezing wind brushing against his face when he jumped down ,two crimson wings of flames appeared behind his back and spread widely , the flame wings burned quickly and bell noticed that they kept fading away slowly as he glided down. He was rushing the the white humanoid figure from the side of the valley , as he looked to the side he noticed that the griffins already spread a small group towards his direction

" this is bad !" bell screamed , he wasn't sure what level they were , and whether he would be able to beat them here without reaching a mind down state.

" just hang in there , a little more , there is a small cave ahead , probably that's the one that guy running to " Faenur responded with a weak voice as she kept focusing on keeping the flame wings burning enough to reach down.

Bell heard multiple screeches coming from his side , despite the loud howling of the wind , he could hear their noises getting louder , they were approaching .

Bell tried to do something , he thought back at when he used his magic without incantation , it wasn't going to make a difference , but he was sure it would buy him sometime

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the mana in his body , few moments later , the giant flame ball appeared , bell aimed his arm not towards the griffins but towards the valley walls , his flame attack swiftly cut the wind currents and rushed forward , the griffins behind slowed down noticing the attack ,however that was all bell wanted , the fire ball decreased in size but it exploded when it reached the rocky wall .

Moments later , boulders crumbled down followed by an avalanche from the side of the valley

Vision became blurry as bell could no longer spot the pack ,but he could hear their screeching sounds fading in the winds.

Finally he reached the figure that was being hunted by the albinos. He noticed that there were bruises and blood tainting his fur around his legs as bell slowed down and reached the guy , he could clearly see what creature he was , just like the xenos he had some human face features however he was covered in deep coat of his furr a bear like ears and limbs and muscled body , he reminded bell of barbarians yet this guy was more like a bear than barbarian .

The snow xenos stopped in his tracks when he saw bell jumping in front of him after all the maneuverings he was doing. However he took only a few moments to return to his scared state of mind as he gave one look backward towards the valley before rushing again running

Bell tried to stop him :" wait !" but the xenos didn't stop ,so bell chased him again

Finally arriving towards the small cave entrance

He noticed the figure standing still facing him " what do you want human ?" he asked  

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