Chapter 2

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Italics- Shota Narrating

Bold- Singing

(Play Song, the singing starts at 1:10)

"For the first six months or so, we lived in a small house near the park, a modest little place, but just right for two couples who were just starting out." 

The piano was playing throughout the house. And the two Dalmatians were laying down, snuggled up together. With smiles on each other's faces. When Shota thought something was off.

"Y/n, darling, are you all right?" Shota asked his mate.

"Oh, of course, dear. After all, dogs were having puppies long before our time." (Y/n) said, and licked his nose. Shota softly chuckled and turned his head toward the door, where an old small lady came in.

"Oh, that's Recovery Girl, a wonderful cook, and housekeeper. She's such a kind, understanding soul. You know, at times she seems almost canine."

"Hizashi, dear, tea time." The woman called up to her husband. "Teatime!"

Hizashi was still playing his piano, and the downstairs Recovery Girl was hitting her broom on the ceiling.

"Be down in a minute," Hizashi said in a sing-song voice. Hiashi comes downstairs and is humming and whistling his new song. "Do you like my new song?"

Before she could answer there was a loud car horn.

"Oh, Shota, it's him. It's that devil man." (Y/n) said worriedly.

A car came around the corner, the tires screeching. (Y/n) runs away and hides, Shota watches the car pull up.

"Oh, must be Shigaraki, your dearly, devoted old school mate. Tomura Shigaraki. That's it!" Hizashi realized.

"Tomura Shigaraki, Tomura Shigaraki, if he doesn't scare you no evil thing will-"

"Oh, Hizashi."

"To see him is to take a sudden chill, Tomura, Tomura, He's like a spider waiting for the kill-"

The doorbell rings.

"Hizashi, he'll hear you."

"Look out for Tomura Shigaraki," Hizashi starts playing the piano and stomps his foot to make a beat.

"Let him in, Recovery Girl." The woman says. Recovery opens the door for him, but he storms through the door, in his white jacket with blue handprints on it and black gloves on.

"Anita, darling!" Tomura says, in a raspy voice.

"How are you?" Anita asked.

"Miserable as usual. Perfectly wretched!" His smoke from his cigarette was going everywhere. Tomura was walking around the house looking in all the corners "Where are they? Where are they?"

Shota sneezes from the smell.

"For heaven's sake, where are they?"

"Who, Tomura?" Anita asked.

"The puppies! The puppies." Hizashi started playing the trumpet very loudly. "No time for games. Where are the little brutes?"

"Oh. It'll be at least three weeks. No rushing these things." Anita answered the man.

"Anita, you're such a wit." Tomura chuckles. He looks at Shota, "Here, dog, here. Here, dog." Shota backs into a corner and growls at him about to bite him.

"Tomura, isn't that a new fur coat?" Anita interrupts.

"My only true love, darling. I live for furs, I worship furs! After all, is there a man in this wretched world who doesn't?" Tomura says, looking up at the ceiling at Hizashi, who is playing the trombone. Shota chuckles at Hizashi.

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