Chapter 5

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"Are you ok now?" Louis asked Harry.
"Tell me what's wrong I want to help you. Please haz"

Harry pov

What's wrong? I haven't a clue I'm feeling a bunch of emotions that I don't know how to express I'm not used to opening up to people because they usually push me away after a while and I don't want that to happen with Louis. I like him I do. I don't want to push him away either. 

Whoever the hell you want pov

Louis moved closer to Harry, to where their shoulders were touching, Louis still holding Harry's bigger hand in his smaller one. Every once in a while rubbing his thumb on Harry's hand to calm him down.

Harry pov

I didn't think he would be able to calm me down. But I'm glad he did

"I like the way my hand fits in yours, I could get used to it. Maybe I should get used to it" he winked at me I probably looked like a tomato


Kinda depressing at the beginning so am I. anyway hope everyone is doin alright hope your eating well doin good in school mental health still down. If ya need to talk I'm here for you. If ya got discord mine is my_leg_ #7382 so ya have a good day-night-afternoon

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