Chapter 3

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I'm surprised he dropped the comment about me saying he's hot so easily. It feels like every time I don't think before I speak he just turns what I say into a sexual joke.

Once we picked a topic, coming up with a research question was oddly easier. Paxton did most of the work. I just reworded the question in a way that both makes sense and sounds like we're smart. "Wow it was really um... interesting to talk to you Paxton," I say right about to kick him out of my room.

I stop when he completely randomly asks "Can you play that too?" He's pointing to my guitar.

"Uh yeah I guess I'm just not that great, I gu-," I'm interrupted by my mom walking into my room.

"Maya, honey, I didn't know you had... Oh my goodness! Why, hello Paxton!" she says, giving him a hug. I am completely confused as to how she knows him.

"What? How?" I'm utterly shocked

"Paxton is Lizzy's son, you know, my best friend. Oh, that's right! When your father and I mentioned going over to the Taylor's you always said you didn't want to go because of Paxton. Well, now I guess there's no excuse since you two seem very friendly." she teased.

"Well it was nice seeing you Mrs. Carter," he says waving goodbye.

"Oh wait, Paxton, I know your parents are away right now, why don't you stay for dinner?" she urged.

I'm cursing up a storm in my head. So now I have to sit through a dinner with Paxton and my parents. Great, let's see how much Paxton gets to know tonight by my overbearing mother.

We walk into the dining room and I already see a place set for him. Sounds like my mother. "Okay you two go wash your hands so we can eat," my mother instructs.

I nod my head and walk over to the bathroom with Paxton. While I'm washing my hands he starts a conversation "I still want to hear you play the guitar later."

"Hmmm nope I'm good," I say, starting to dry my hands.

"Oh I think you will,'' he says , making his way over to the sink. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. He puts his hands under my shirt and they're freezing and send chills down my spine. My heartbeat increases. I've never really been touched in any way before by a guy. Let alone the captain of the soccer and lacrosse teams who has tan skin, brown hair, a sharp jawline, along with an 8 pack.

I can't help but blush "I guess one song won't hurt," I smile. He lets go of me and starts washing his hands as well. As I'm walking out of the bathroom I see him staring at me through the window.

I know what you're thinking. I'm acting like every other girl that just falls at their feet for him but it's really hard not to. He's so fucking hot.

I sit down at the dining table and a minute later he sits next to me. My dad comes downstairs from my parents' room and he sits across from Paxton. "Oh hey I didn't know that Paxton was here," he says with a huge fake smile that he uses when guests are over. I'm not saying he's a fake but he and my mother constantly argue about everything. They'd get a divorce but they don't want to stress me out with school. Although it stresses me out more than I'm constantly scared my parents are going to kill each other. That's why my room is downstairs at the front of the house and theirs is upstairs at the back of the house. I love my parents but they harm make me stress out constantly. When they start fighting it's nearly impossible to make them stop.

"Yes honey I actually didn't know he was coming over either," she says cheerfully while bringing over our plates and then I get up to pour drinks. Tonight mom made lemonade which is my personal favorite.

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