chapter one

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A/N i wrote this when i was like 12 and forgot about it untill now so here u go

Here I sat. All alone...I deserve to be alone after what I've done. My mom used to say mistakes don't make a person but all i seem to do is make mistakes. I WAS a mistakes, my dad made sure I knew that. My name is y/n l/n and well my life is shit.


It all started 4 years ago. My dad was a abusive asshole and eventually messed with the wrong person, well let's say he ended up with a bullet in his head. My mom was an angle. She didn't deserve all the beatings he gave her, she didn't deserve to feel pain. I kept telling her to run away and forget about us but she's to nice. She loved him. After he died she changed. She became depressed Ronald Reagan cut funds to the mental institution that helped her so I had to take care of her. I didn't know what to do I was young. I tried my best but my best was never enough. On my birthday I was hoping she would at least get out of her room but when I went to wake her up she was hanging from the ceiling. She was pale, to pale. I fell to the ground. The worst of it was that I didn't cry, didn't scream, just stared at her dead body. Some part of me knew this was going to happen. Before I said goodnight she said "I love you.. " she hadn't said that in years. I wasnt stupid  I knew what she meant, I had just hoped it wasn't true... At least not on my birthday... I cut the rope down and stared at her face, I pitted her. I brought her to a dumpster and cover her in gasoline. I put a cigarette up to my mouth and lit it. "You didn't even leave a note" I said in a sad tone. I looked at the cigarette "I hope your happy mom" I thought and threw the cigarette in with her soaked body and watched it go up in flames. I live in that house of bad memories all alone for a couple weeks, but then one day, EVERYTHING changed.

Let's just say I don't deal with situations well, I have a habit of making everything a joke to lighten up a situation or well stop me from going insane. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal when a huge man about 6'8 kicked my door down. I looked up at him in shock, "where is your mother" he said in a heavy Russian accent, I looked him in the eye then grabbed a spoon full of cereal and surped it, "we're closed for business come back never" I said and continued eating my cereal. That cereal was honestly amazing. He pulled out a gun and asked where she was again. I didn't what any logical kid would and ran but my dumbass ran into the wall. I started laughing and the big guy looked at me as if I'm crazy. "That hurt like a bitch" I said in between laughs. I was now on the floor clutching my stomach from laughing to hard. While I was laughing my ass off something hit my head and I blacked out

Apparently they work for some top notch gang and my mom owed money witch I was surprised with. I had to work with them to pay of debts. They trained me and used me as a weapon. I became a killer and honestly a bad ass. After they turned me into a weapon I killed them all. It was hard and I got a lot of scars but I think they make me look cool, I have one under my eye and one on my lip and a shit ton all over my body. I have the gang logo on the back of my left shoulder it looked cool but I hated it, I have a tattoo sleeve on my right arm to. Well we're caught up for the most part but in short, I burned my moms body, killed 167 people, ended a gang, and became a homeless killer.

But now all the fun begins...

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