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Leahs Diary

September 20th

We once were healers.

We mended things and captured creatures and set sprits free. It's odd to think of the potential. The alternate universe I could've lived in had I been born a handful of centuries earlier. Every chapter in that cursed book reads the same; once we were a powerful people.

We hunted things down; we set them free; we communicated with spirits and danced with devils. We were mediums. The mundane use of the word didn't hold a candle to what our power really was. The book chronicled it all. Wins and losses, deaths and saves. Especially the monsters we vowed to destroy.

But that was just the beginning. No one knew to prepare for something worse. War ravaged our people. Then the history of it all was erased from any record. It started with a few, but spread to many, an augury of the wickedness to come.

Dark disciples, they called themselves. They twisted everything we knew into a darker shade of power. Darker than it already was. Unaware I was on their radar until they were hunting me down. I should've turned away, hell - I should have run away -at a full speed no less, but I choose to dig. Deeper into what they wanted, deeper still into who they are.

Now others like my friends, whose only crime was helping me, will pay. They fall around me like ash after chaos, trying to fight the good fight against their malicious intentions.

Few of our kind existed to begin with now mediums-
loved ones -
perish one after another.

I wonder once they are all gone

Who will be left to bury me?

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