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It was the end of the day and kalo wasn't ready to go home simply cause of her parent , see kalo mother is abusive but she wasn't always like this it all happened when kalo farther died in a shootout

Before kalo walks into the house she takes a deep breath as soon as she steps into the house she basically ran into her room but before she could close her door her mom called her downstairs

"KALO COME HERE" as she walked down the stairs she saw her mom in the kitchen cooking and saw a man with 1 kid at the table  "mom what's this" kalo asked "this is my boyfriend and his kid hazel and hazel friend" and as she looked over she saw that the the boy was just staring into her soul so she looked back

"Why you just staring" the boy asked kalo didn't even realize she was staring at him until he said something "oh I-I'm sorry" kalo said as she stuttered on her words her mom announced that the food was finish she made everybody a plate "where mines at ma" kalo asked cause she seen everybody got a plate but her

"Oh I'm sorry baby it wasn't enough for you" her mother said with a smirk everybody laughed except hazel friend "that's real fucked up how you feed us but not yo own child , cmon kalo let's go" he said as pulls up his pants

"Uh ok" kalo says as she follows behind him she get into the car and he makes conversation "where your phone" kamir asked "I don't got one" kalo said "why ain't you like 16"  he asked her "yea my momma said that I didn't deserve a phone" kalo said "nah man we finna go to t-mobile and get you a phone" Kamir said

"Can I play something off of your phone please" kalo asked he unlocked it and gave It to her "youn gotta say please either ma" she blushed and played pretty girls by toosii

Locked in
But I'll still go and make the block spin ( you know)
Treat you like you number one but not top 10
& i know you thinking I'm not shit ( you know)
I been way to clocked in , pretty girls love me so you know I got options
You gone make me leave just for thinking I'm not shit

The song was cut short cause they pulled up to t-mobile "cmon ma" kamir said and she was got out and walked behind him with her head down "welcome to t-mobile do you need any help with anything" "I'm actually here to buy a phone" kamir told the worker "ok follow me" they both followed the worker "what kinda phone you want ma" "the same phone as you" kalo said lowly "can I get an black XR" kamir told the worker "is that all for you"

"Can I get 2 pairs of AirPods to go with it and 2 apple watches " Kamir said " is that all for you" the worker asked "pick out a phone case ma" he said and she looked up and saw a clear phone case so she got that after that he paid

"Where you wanna eat at ma" Kamir asked and she said "chick-fill-a" "bet" so they drove to chickfilla as she sat up her phone in the passenger Side then she sat up here Apple Watch then played games on her phone
No chick-fill-a slander will be tolerated over here 🙏🏾😉

"Whatcha want from here ma" "uh I want the chicken nugget meal with a sprite" she said and he repeated his order "you not gone get anything" kalo asked "nah ian hungry shordy" "ok" he paid and then handed kalo her food as he was driving he was lost in his thoughts on why she have on a coat and it's 90 degrees outside "why you got on a coat" "um n-no reason" she stuttered again "if youn wanna talk about it I'm not finna force you but I gotcha forever" Kamir said as they pulled into her house they both got out and her mom saw them "YOU HOE , HOW YOU GET THE FOOD YOU SUCKED HIM UP

Kalo just sat there and listened while Kamir couldn't believe that somebody mom could literally talk down on their own child like that on the other hand kalo was literally begging her mom to let her stay cause she didn't have anywhere to go and she didn't have nymoni number so she would have to get it tomorrow from school Kamir leaned down and whispered in her ear "let's go pack your stuff you coming to my house" and she looked back and said "ok"

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