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"Ryan! Man, c'mon we gotta see this show. It's a once in a life time opportunity!" My best friend Cristian exclaimed.

I snorted and flicked my cigarette away. I didn't even like the damned things anyway. "Dude they play the same shitty show every year. Why are you so excited for this one?"

He got down on his knees and clasped his hands in prayer. "PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!"

I rolled my eyes. "You know, bud. Your kinda retarded."

"Am not!" He replied annoyed.

I fought back a laugh. "Really? Cause that face you're making, makes you look a bit downsy."

At that he punched my arm. "Ass hole..."

From the corner of my eye I saw a couple of the DUP dragging a woman from her home. She was kicking and screaming, if she was a real Conduit, wouldn't she have killed them?

I glared at the nearest one, which caught his attention and got him to walk over. "Got a problem civilian?"

I clenched my fist and forced a confident smirk. "No. Why would I have a problem with you fuckers beating a very powerful bioterrorist?"

He stepped closer. "Listen here you little shit. We protect you from bioterrorists even before they have their powers. She failed the test, so take your little angry face away from here before I assume you're trying to use conduit powers on us..." He let the threat hang in the air and Christian grabbed my wrist and started backing us away. "We are so sorry, my friend here has a mental disorder and can't control his mouth."

"Fuck you too, Chris." I said annoyed.

"He also has verbal turrets..."

I glared at the DUP 'soldiers' as they left, part of me wanting to show them that they were pathetic, the more rational part of me didn't enjoy the idea of being shot.

"Ryan, what's your problem?" Chris asked, jarring me from my thoughts.

I sighed. "Nothing, I just don't like bullies. These guys came into town two years ago to protect us from people born differently than us. They sound racist and bigoted against people like that Cole MaGrath guy or even the Banner man a few years back. Once Alexander Davis took over the DUP, it's like their power increased tenfold. They're in every damn city in this country and they aren't going away." I clenched my fists, then relaxed, I couldn't stop them. I'm just one guy that disagrees with the current system.

Chris shrugged. "You know, my dad was a conduit. So I get where you're coming from, but my dad killed people when mom died. He got the power to create metal. He brought down most of a building on top of himself before anyone could stop him.

I knew that story. His dad had been a small business owner. He was an every day guy with no no trouble getting people to like him. He's have given you the shirt off his back in a second...then his wife got cancer. Every time he had went to her treatments. He lost his house, the restaurant, and eventually his sanity. The day she died he walked through a scanner for the DUP and it went haywire. They tried to stop him but his poeers manifested and he began killing as easily as if he were breathing. His power took out the supporting pillar to the hospital and sank a large portion of the building to the ground, killing dozens and injuring more.

A rain drop hit my nose. Then I saw it begin to rain. I jogged over to a small restaraunt and ducked inside. Christian came in seconds later.

My eyes widened as I spotted the DUP agent from earlier with his helmet off, rifle in front of him, and sitting in front of a plate of eggs and bacon.

"-i said shut the fuck up! I ain't paying and if you keep bugging me about it I'll turn you in for being a bio-terrorist. " the soldier said.

The owner of the cafe cursed. "Damn you, abusing your power like this to get a free meal from a struggling family." The man was a bit overweight with grey hair and a beard. He wore thick sunglasses and a gold wedding band.

I walked over to the counter. "How's it going, Mr. Dunbar?"

He smiled tiredly at me. "Between this ass hole and Katrina and Katie I've got my hands full, raining outside?" He asked eyeing my wet shoulders.

I nodded, then sat down. "Can I get a glass of water and a bowl of cereal?"

He scoffed. "You drink more water than any normal bot should, kid. Yeah I'll be right back. What do you want, Chris?"

Chris looked at him excitedly. "Got any pie that Mrs. Dunbar made?"

Mr. Dunbar laughed. "Sure do, kid. Coming right up."

The soldier had watched us the whole time. "You, boy...come here."

Mr. Dunbar came out with my glass of water so I smiled and nodded, taking the glass.

The soldier got up and grabbed my shoulder. I could see his contact lenses implants lighting up and feeding him information, but couldn't figure it out. He pulled a hand gun and put it under my chin. "No sudden movements. I'll kill you if you try anything." My eyes widened in feat and the restaraunt froze.

With his other hand the soldier pulled a scanner from his back and held it out for me to touch.

I hesitated, what the hell was going on?

Then I touched the scanner like I'd done a thousand times. Only this time was different.

"Processing... processing... WARNING PRIME CONDUIT." The soldier back handed me and sent me to the floor. Then he cracked me over the head with the butt of his handgun.

There was a loud bang and the soldier was blasted away from me roughly.

Mr. Dunbar helped me to my feet and set down a large gun. Then he walked over to the soldier and felt for a pulse. "Dead... dammit Zeke..." He mumbled at himself.

I was confused and still dazed from the impact, but I still saw what had tipped the soldier off. The water in my glass was completely frozen, when it's been water only seconds before I'd received it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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