Are we still forever?

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"It's a girl!" The doctor said.

Brandon and I looked at eachother, with dissapointing faces. We both wanted a boy. I guess we can't always get what we want, huh? Well, I have NO intention of raising a girl.. but I guess we will have to see how this goes. If it even does go..

* Day of birth

"SMACK" The doctor had smacked the baby girl's bottem, making her cry to take her first breath of air. She hands the baby to me, and I don't shed a tear. This baby is disgusting.  

"Thanks" I say to the doctor.

I'm at home, we have the baby. Before she was born, Brandon and I decided to name her Danielle, and Dani for short. She has no special room, just a bed and some toys really, with a tv. 

* 4 years later

"She's been crying ALL day ! Damn, what's wrong with her!?" Brandon yells, taking a hit of his blunt. 

"I don't fucking know, why don't you go shut her up?" I yell back, taking his blunt. He walks in her room, I hear him screaming at her, a couple bangs, then he walks out slamming the door. God I have such a head ache! He comes back then we continue our.. business.


* 8:00 in the morning

Danielle grabs her teddybear, walks out of her bedroom door, goes in the kitchen, and grabs a bag of cookies from the cabinet. She waddles down the hall and out the doggy door leading outside. She looks back, and whispers "I hate you to".

Danielle walked down to the local park, sitting in the play house with her little teddy bear. Suddenly, she heard a little boy and she jumped up to peek outside. What she saw was a little boy named Justin, walking with his grandmother to walk her dog like she does everyday. They come here every morning. The boy spotted Danielle, and he prances over to her. 

"Hey dere, what's your name?" Justin asked innocently. Danielle didn't speak a word, she just slowly backed up a step hiding further in the play house. 

"Whats are you doin here?" He asked another question. Stepping closer to her. Danielle then stepped back again, too quickly this time, causing her to trip over her own feet. The boy gasped and said something once agian,

"Oh no! Are you otay? I'll go get gamaw!" He said, then ran out the play house. Danielle was just sitting there, on the floor. She had one tear falling down her cheek. Next thing that happened was Eleanor, Justins grandparent came walking in the play house.

"awh dear, are you okay?" Eleanor asked. Still, Danielle didn't say a word. She just held her teddybear tighter and closer. Then she squeezed her dark green eyes shut pouting her lip, making tears fall from her eyes drenching her long eyelashes. You could hear her faintly crying, as she burried her head in her nees and teddybear.

Eleanor picked Danielle up which made her cry louder , because she was scared. Eleanor saw no sign of an adult, or parent. She knew Danielle was alone. That's when she carried her home. On the way home, Danielle fell asleep. 


Danielle wakes up in a bed under covers, with her teddybear laying beside her. she looks to see if anyone is around. no one. Then she climbs out from under the covers, grabs her teddy, then slides off the bed. She waddles over to the open door, peeking from behind the corner seeing the old lady, and Justin sitting on the couch watching tv. Eleanor spots her.

"Come here sweety, there is nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt you, I promise. I'm going to take care of you." Eleanor said with a warming smile. Danielle starts to slowly walk out, until she gets to the middle of the living room. She has her teddy dangling from her hand, and you can tell she is struggling to balance. Then..

"Hi.." Danielle whispers. Justin smiles and jumps up to her. 

"Hi ! what is your names?" Justin speaks excidedly.

"I emm.. danielle. who you?" She says faintly smiling.

"I'm Justin Maxwell! Wanna be my bestest friend?" He replies

"Yeah! I never had one of dose before" She says less shyly.

"otay! forever, or always?" Justin says, grabbing Danielles Hand.

"Forevur , and aways.." She says hugging him.

Danielle started to live with the Maxwells, and whenever Justin would go to Pre-K, Danielle would help Eleanor out around the house, and she loved to read. One evening, Eleanor found out that her young friend Lisa was pregnant, but her babay died inside her stomach. Eleanor convinced her to adopt Danielle. They wen't to court about it, and she was then legally adopted and her new name was Danielle Walker. She was allowed to be legally adopted only becuase they could not find her real paretnts, and she was technically an orphan. Lisa and her husband moved down to London, England to live next door to the Maxwells. Danielle's nickname was Dani, and she ended up going to school with Justin. When they turned about 12 and 13, they started to date. Until their sophmore year when they were 14, 15. Danielle asked Justin to come help her with some homework and study one night, except that was the night Justin and Eleanor were going to have dinner together. Eleanor didn't know where Justin wen't so she assumed he was with Danielle and she was driving home when a drunk driver ran into her car going 83mph and she was put in critical condition. The hospital called Justin when he was at Danielles house, so they both ran down to the hospital but, when they got there it was to late. Eleanor was dead.


The next day I tried calling, going to Justins house, anything I could to get a hold of him, but he never answered. He was ignoring me. The night that it happened, he screamed at me, " This is all your fault! if you never asked me to help you with your damned homework, I would of been with my grandmother and she would of still been alive ! " it sent me down in tears. He was right though, it was all my fault. I can't blame him. If I never asked him, everything would be fine. My fault..

The last two weeks of school, he didn't show up. I called him every morning, during school, and night. I even tried walking to his house. Summer break started, and I called him whenever I got the chance. He ignored me, until he eventually changed his number. He wouldn't answer the door.. nothing. I missed him. I spent half of summer alone, until I met this one girl named Amber at the beach. She always wen't to my school, but I never noticed her because I was to busy with work and Justin. We hung out for the rest of summer. We became really close friends, but not as close as me and Justin were.. I can't believe he's gone. I missed him.. I miss him.

School started.

The moment I walked through the school doors, I saw Justin. He was standing with the Jocks and cheerleaders. He never was the type of person to hang out with them, but I guess he's changed. He was pretty good looking, if I may say so myself. So I can't really doubt anything. I was so happy to see him! I just couldn't do anything about it.. if he really wanted to see me, he would actually try to. So, he didn't want to. I just hope we can be friends agian, and that he could forgive me...

I seen his eyes, stare straight into mine. He wen't from his laughing face, to a frown. He glared at me.. that made a tear fall from my cheek. He saw it, and that made his face soften up a bit. I quickly wiped it away. Still staring at him.

"What are you looking at, Dork?" I heard his familiar voice say. Everyone laughed then looked at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't. At that moment, I saw all our memories in my head. The moment he found me in the park, to the last moment I saw him. I bit my lip, trying tnot to just bust out in tears. I succeded, but one tear managed to slip out. I looked down at my feet and scrunched my eyes closed which made more tears fall out. I looked back up , to see everyone still looking at me. I whispered, "I'm sorry.." I would be surprised if anybody else heard it, besides Justin. He would hear it. I know he would. His face softened up.. but then he looked down and back up again with a feirce face on. I just ran away to the bathrooms so I could finally let all my tears spill out. I just sat on the toilet thinking about everything, why did I have to cause this.

It's all my fault.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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