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The birthday celebrant, Antonio Madrigal was nowhere to be found. His mama Pepa was brewing up all kinds of bad weather. "Pepa, you're crumpling the flowers, the flowers!" Her amor Felix was doing his best to calm her down, which was something he had grown to be good at.

Everytime Pepa would brew up a hurricane, Felix wouldn't mind standing under the drizzle with her, just to be with her side, to comfort her, to be with her.

Felix was the perfect cure to Pepa's rash and moody breakdowns, it was almost perfect, the relationship these two had.

"Did someone say flowers?" You hear a voice from the upper floor, Vines covered in Jacaranda's, colorful and vibrant bushes of different flowers resonating and pulsating from a young woman with a pink-purple dress, tapered with different violet-painted floral patterns.

It was your close friend, Isabela Madrigal. Both of you notice each other, and when she did, she raised her eyebrows swiftly, and tilted her head upwards.

She grabbed one of the tightly hung vines and leaped across the railing.

The vine caught her as she turned and turned around with such grace and flexibility, as the crowd inside the Casíta was screaming out praises for her.

"Isabela! Our Princess!" Different exclaims from the crowd, all merged into one idea, as each praise started to quiet down, Isabela tugged the vine tightly to stop and land her in the middle of the stairs that were behind you, you turn your back and raised your head to feast your eyes on the beautiful Madrigal. "Uno, I didn't know you knew how to swing!" You sarcastically laugh, as Isabela smiled and shakes her head, with the mixture of pleasure and displeasure to see you.

"(n/n), you got a big mouth for someone that smells like donkeys." She rebuked, as she was pulling flowers out of her hands.

"(n/n), huh, nice one, Isa." Dolores smickers quietly with a hand covering her mouth.

The crowd were each clapping after such an athletic performance, "Please, don't clap!" Isabela, as flattered as she was, still had humilty in her heart.

As she turned her head, her hair went flying with her, which hit someone in the face, with petals flying away from the impact. As her hair slowly fell and the petals slowly flew away, it became clearer and clearer who she hit with her hair. It was Mirabel.

Mirabel gagged, as a whole faceful of petals got stuck to her, well, face. She blows all the flowers out, and shakes her head, throwing out any possible petals that were left. She coughs for a little while, because her mouth still had pollen and the taste of flowers inside.

"Eugh." You hear Isabella mutter as she layed her eyes on Mirabel, her eyes roll across her eyelids.

"Pff, let's go find my brother, These two are just gonna go on forever." Dolores drags your shoulder as she couldn't bear to look at these two sister bicker again.

You gave a couple of glances while turning to walk with Dolores, wanting to see what would turn up from the two sisters.

You and Dolores find yourselves looking at Mirabel's room, "I heard him shuffling inside, he's probably under her bed." She looks across the blue door, then up to a random spot in the ceiling, as she tried to focus her hearing.

"Antonio?" You call out, nothing, you knock on the door, nothing. You try to open the door, but come to find that it's locked. "Ey, Amigo, open this door, it's me, your hombre (y/n)." You knock on the door again, "Your Mama and Papa are looking for you, we can't have fun without you, ye know?" You shout again, but still to no avail, you give up on knocking, and look back at Dolores, "Maybe we could ask Mirabel, Its her room after all, She's also good friends with Antonio, maybe she can talk him out." Dolores nods after your idea, "Come on, i see her right there." She nods her head to the hallway opposite the one you're standing on. You see Mirabel crouched and shuffling with something on the floor.

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