Kyo 💜❣️🐛💋

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Name: Matsuura Kyoko (just call them Kyoko, Kyo, or Mat)

Age: 18-23 ish

Gender: Gender Neautral

Sexuality: pan

Looks: tan skin and pale sort of brownish/tan hair that is usually dyed one color or another (currently it's a rainbow mash-up of bright pink, green, and blue). crystal blue eyes. Fairly short

Clothes: they usually wear homemade clothes/upcycled clothes. usually, a paint-stained t-shirt and ripped jeans with painted high tops and an upcycled jacket.

Likes: art, animals, making friends, the quiet, swimming, rain

Dislikes: being yelled at, having nothing to do, when it's too loud or bright, crowds

Fears: being abandoned, losing her fingers (a somewhat irrational fear) (they aren't afraid of physical harm as much as being permanently injured. Working with sharp objects and hot glue can make you more numb to the little things.)

Other: they have a cat named Bingo with orange, brown, black, and white markings as well as a large St. Bernard named Huston. they are very perky and creative once you get to know them but they tend to be a little shy when you first meet them. 

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