A voice

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Writer's note: hey um so I didn't rly know people were gonna read this um yeah thanks 😍 anyways let's just get to this.

Erens pov
It's been a week since Mikasa came to school here. I see her around just mesmerised by the way she picks the flowers as her hair drifts synchronising with the wind. She was always with Historia, Ymir and Sasha. I never got to talk to her alone at school but I would often see her walking to school as she walks the same path I do.
It was Thursday 4th period,when we all sat in our seats I saw Mikasa she sat on the second row,1 seat Beside me , Infront.

If I was being honest I could watch her all day, her long lustrous hair would shimmer as she wrote her notes, looking down the strands of her hair flaring around her; her resplendent eyes would glisten in the presence of the sun she would look so ...

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If I was being honest I could watch her all day, her long lustrous hair would shimmer as she wrote her notes, looking down the strands of her hair flaring around her; her resplendent eyes would glisten in the presence of the sun she would look so sincere in her work so focused I couldn't help but focus on her.
(End of Erens pov)


(Discussing in class)
'Mikasa !!' Screamed Sasha,
'What's wrong sasha?'startled Mikasa
'Well.. COME WITH ME TO MC CHICKENS, there's a new burger and I want to get it 😫'
'Oh okay sure' Mikasa responded.

At Mc Chicken
'Ah there's a long queue' murmured Sasha
'Don't worry we can wait' sighed mikasa
20mins later
'WE ARE NEARLY THERE.. finally' said sasha happily.
'Yeah' Mikasa said back.
' oh oh oh I think we are nexttttt'
'Yes yes Sasha' said mikasa with a little giggle.
'Hello how can I help you?' smiled the cashier
'Hello we would like 2 Mc Chicken Mac's please' said mikasa
'Of course that will be £12 , cash  or card ?'
'Uhm mikasa I've got £7.50 you ??'
'I'll pay for the rest Sasha' Mikasa giggles

They make their way to the table waiting for their meals, the place was crowded, people roaming around looking for tables, and others arguing with the cashier about how it's to expensive, or how they think they are being targeted because a lady In front of them "pushed in"..
'How can people act like that at their prehistoric age..' signs Mikasa
' Ah who knows it happens a lot around here'
'What really??'
'Yeah, besides the point tho, let's talk about something else' winks Sasha
'Ehh what's with that look'
'Mikasaaaa' whines Sasha
'What I'm so confused.' Replies Mikasa although she knew what she was on about
'You know..Eren'
'Eren ? What about him'
'Oh never mind he's here'

Erens pov
'Armin what are we doing here aren't we going to your house for the cake'
'We can do that later, I want my afternoon chips' Armin replied, sleepy.
'Fine Fine' i Said although i didn't really enjoy the wait.
We got our chips and went to find a place to sit but we couldn't so we ended up deciding to leave with the chips until we were stopped.
(End of erens pov)

'OI Eren let's just go to my place, didn't you complain earlier that you wanted the cake'
'Yeah but I want to eat the chips here it's more enjoyable'
'K we are leaving'
Eren manages to convince Armin to say at Mc chicken although Armin wasn't quite okay with it.
They went near the back up to the windows to catch a view, a couple had just left the table so they went to snatch the seat.However, Eren felt a cold glare emitting from behind them. He nudged over to armin asking if anyone was staring at him,to Armin surprise it was Mikasa and sasha,but they didn't look happy to see them.
Armin whispered over to Eren highlighting the fact that two girls from class were staring at them. Eren looked over just to catch a glimpse but felt a chilling breeze that stopped him from looking any further.
A vast silence approached them but was interrupted when.
'Hello this is Order 367, your Large fries with A medium Vanilla milkshake for two'
'Yes that will be ours'Said Armin, he tried to act normal but still felt intimidated.

'Uhm Mikasaa... shouldn't we stop staring at them, maybe they might take it the wrong way' said sasha bluntly
'Ah sorry maybe I went overboard,but I don't know.'
'You don't know what'
'It's just that..never mind don't worry about it aha'
Mikasa shakes of
'Anyway let's go sit with them,it can't hurt to ask'
'SASHA what are you saying ?!??!!?'
'Come on!!'said Sasha giggling
They went up to Eren and Armins table, Sasha marched away as Mikasa was dragged along.
'Hey guys ;) mind if we join' said Sasha
Eren and Armin were shocked,paralysed even. They had no idea what to do other than agree.
It was awkward the first few minutes.Nothing but silence flooded the table.
'Soo are you guys excited for the upcoming Project' broke out sasha.
'Ah well not exactly, we haven't been assigned our partners yet' said Armin Firmly
'Oh yeahh I completely forgot'
'Aha' replies both Eren and Armin
The 4 start having a nice conversation...


Never mind. Anyway, they start to get along well and spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out, they went to the park, ate a lot and did a mini study session. Everything was going well.Soon Eren realised more and more about Mikasa, he wanted to know more.After this they started seeming each other more often,manly on study dates but, they were friends,and that's all that mattered to Eren,but they didn't end.

Every single night after they met up Eren had dreams, as though they felt like stands of feelings, confessing one by one but failing to reach the other half.He felt immense pain throughout these dreams, they felt like a whole other story,a whole passage of feelings,of love.But these dreams, they always ended with bad endings:
One,it was too late,she moved on
Two,she didn't have the courage to say she felt the same way
Three,neither confessed
And four, his head was severed by the other half.

Writer's note:That's the end of this chapter, I'm sorry  for being late on the chapter I'll try to keep writing more as fast as possible. Thank you for reading <33, I hope u enjoyed

Ps: Mc chicken is Mc Donald's 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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