natsu vs erza

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As natsu was still standing, erza had gotten up and was staring at natsu.

Erza had looked down and noticed that her strawberry cake was destroyed in the small fight.

Guild members: uh oh, last time someone destroyed erza's cake, he was beaten half to death and left on the streets.

Erza: who did this

Grey: it was flame brain over there.

Grey then points to natsu as erza had unsheathed her sword.

Natsu had walked into the light and saw the sword in erza's hand and it clicked that she wanted to hurt him.

Erza: natsu, was it?

Natsu: yeah, that's my name.

Erza: fight me!

Natsu: uhh what

As he had heard her, erza was running towards Natsu at a fast pace, but as she swings her sword, natsu had grabbed it by the blade.

Erza: huh, no way!

As erza said that, natsu took the sword from erza and punched her in her stomach which caused a small shockwave and it sent erza through a couple tables and into the wall, knocking her out.

Natsu: weak, or maybe I'm just to strong.

As he said that, makarov had just walked over to natsu.

Makarov: kid, i understand that she came at you, but did you really need to hit her that hard?

Natsu: sorry gramps, it was self defense.

Makarov: it's okay but here is some money to buy a apartment to stay at, but be back here as you are going on your first mission.

Natsu: okay thanks gramps!

As natsu had taken the jewels, he had ran out the guild and bought a apartment.

Natsu us now on the bed.

Natsu: wow, i wish you were here dad, maybe you could make friends but you are a dragon so everyone might be afraid of you, hahaha.

As he finished saying that, he fell asleep.

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