i was home sleeping snf i still had some alcohol and i frank it someone BUDYETF the door ipen! i went runing down to chekcl who it are... it ws my UNCLER BEANIE!!!! i gave him a hug and he stabbed me with a needle i slowlye foanyef... i woke up to a terrifying smeek what the heck is that!???? it was his jooty dooty booty oott looty cadooty busbooyy in my FACE!!!! k screamed ABHHHHH its stukn so bad i punchef him he farted. i ran as he chadef me and geel fown the staries. i hid undermybeff and he cam in SCREAMING*** what.?! he started bleeding down from his neck hid white shirt was nor stained red blood i was so cinfusef as to what jsyt hapodbed i yelled for hALPPPP and no. one helped. i checkef qhat happebe it was a glass in his neck i checked my alchol bottle bec it was gladd and it was gone im assuming someone ciklled him i thought tomydelf i daw eyes, red beedy devily steady ready gleddy bloddy needy steedy greedy ready to hunt eyes dtaring at my eyed my fearing dearing gleering sterrung perring eyes. i screamedf i ran he was chasing me as i was crying i feel down the stairs and he was throwing my aclodcol glass at me he fell too down the dtsirs and a glass piecred his haert his nonblesdef heart. i clesned the blood up crying and threw the bodied out in the tradh. rip i guess. im sleeping scarefnitll happen agsin.🥺🥺
dj park fun sad horror stalker part 1
Horrori was at a dj in a party and inplayef good fjmusic so i webt home