Chapter 1 - The Final Breath

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Breathing.  Something that nobody really thinks about when we are actually capable of it but when it becomes difficult, you actually have to think of how to breathe. For my current situation, I had to do just that, and let me tell you it was hard!

Okay, so you are probably wondering what is going on? Well my bitch of a mother has just told our so called family that she has been cheating on my dad throughout their marriage and also that she is pregnant! Oh, and to top it all off she wants a divorce from my father and for me to move to New York with her and her new ‘family’. I don’t know what planet she is on right now but there is no way in hell that I am going with her.

My dad didn’t deserve this crap in his life. He was the one that brought in the money to pay for us because my mom was a lazy ass and didn’t want to work. I always felt bad that he was paying for us all so as soon as I was old enough, I found myself a job. It wasn’t the best paying job but for me, even if I could help my dad out in any way possible then I would do it.

Back to reality though, all that could be heard was shouting and I did not do well with that. I had anxiety and also suffered from depression. It’s no way near as bad as it was when I was about  15 but thankfully I got help and 4 years later here I am not wanting to end my life but the shouting just gets my anxiety levels up.

I couldn’t breathe. My head was spinning. I felt sick to my stomach. I needed to get out!!!

So I ran… until I didn’t know where I was!

It was some random beach. I searched for my phone but I couldn’t find it. Just my bloody luck that I left everything at home. I can’t stop crying. I couldn’t see clearly and worst of all… I wanted to die. I couldn’t deal with all the shit that was happening in my life right now. For starters my best friend had moved away at the beginning of the week. A few days ago my grandpa died and his funeral is next week and now with the stuff to do with my parents, it is all too much. I don’t belong on this earth. I don’t have a purpose. I need to die…

I quickly scanned the beach and there was a dock that was out of sight. It was behind all off the shops and it looked like it lead to a really deep part of the water.  I ran over to it trying not to seen but thankfully most people were tanning or in the water. As I got over to the dock I tried to take some deep breaths but I couldn’t calm down. I walked closer and closer to the edge until only half of my feet were resting on it.

“I love you dad, I always have and always will, and grandpa… I will see you soon!” As I took my final breathe in this cruel world I was about to step off but there was a voice that made me look back.

“STOP, NO DON’T DO IT!!!” A blonde haired boy started running faster than lightening towards me followed by a big group of others but before they reached me I was snapped back into reality and I stepped off the side…





Okay so this is the first chapter so that is why it is quite short but trust me they will be longer from now on! 

Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment and dont forget to vote for it!


Happy Reading 

Michaela xo

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