Chapter 2 - My Blonde Personal Councillor

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You know how people say that when you die you see a white light, well where am I if all I see is darkness? Am I on my way to hell? I don't know what I did so badly that I had to go to hell for it but then again I barely remember the events of last week!

I was peaceful once I hit the water. I must have landed on something, because it wasn't long before my eyes shut.

Suddenly the darkness started to lift and it went lighter and lighter by the second. Wait... time out, what's happening? Have I arrived at hell? Suddenly my eyes opened and it was blue. Okay definitely not hell.

"Hey are you okay? What the hell were you thinking?" I looked to my right to see a wet blonde boy looking worried but also relieved! I tried sitting up but my head just went really fuzzy.

"No, girl you need to stay down! You hit your head when you jumped so try not to move too much." This time a girl with blonde hair told me. I just lead straight back down.

"You're lucky! If Ross here hadn't have jumped in when he did you would have died!" A long haired brunette told me whilst pointing to the soaked blonde to my right.

"Well that's what I was going for!" I said not looking at anyone. This shut them all up straight away. I know that killing yourself never solves anything but in the moment it's all you want to do. You don't even try to think of any other ways to solve your problems because suicide takes over all your thoughts. It seems like the easy way out.

"Why would you do that? You must have people that care about you. How would you think they felt if you did die?" This Ross boy said. He looked at me like I was a mental. Well if this is how anybody first met then you would probably be right.

"Look I'm not going to tell you why I did it because I don't even know you and honestly my parents have enough problems as it is so if I died I wouldn't be one!" I feel bad that this boy had to jump in and save me but it wasn't my intention for someone to do that.

"Where are your parents? We need to get you back to them and let them know what happened!" An older blonde said to me. This sent alarm bells ringing all the way through my body.  If my parents found out about this I would end up in a hospital again, I can't go back!!

"NO! PLEASE? If my parents found out about this nothing good will come from it. I know I said I wasn't going to tell you why I tried to kill myself but I will if you keep this from my parents please?" I asked looking into all of their eyes. They all looked at each other unsurely and I know they were about to say no until the girl spoke first.

"I don't care what all my brothers, and Ell, say... of course we will keep your secret. How about, and only if you want to, you can hang around at the beach with us today?" She gave me a smile and I nodded. I was so thankful that she would help me out. "Awesome, so first things first.....what's your name?"

"Bethany, but most people call me Beth." She just smiled and nodded her head again.

"Well it's nice to meet you Beth! I'm Rydel, this is my older brother Riker..." she pointed to the older version of the boy who saved me. "These are my younger brothers Rocky and Ryland..." They just gave me a small wave which I gave back. "This is our family friend Ellington but because of our band he is mostly known as Ratliff..." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I couldn't help but try to think if I knew who they were when she said 'band'. They didn't look familiar. "And of course we have my younger brother Ross, the one who saved you!" I looked at him and gave him a smile and nodded my head as a way to say thanks. He returned them both.

We were still sat on the dock so they all started to get up. I stood up to quickly and went really dizzy.

"You alright?" Ross asked me. I just nodded my head and started walking. Everyone else was in front but I just tried to stay behind. Unfortunately, Ross saw what I was trying to do and slowed down as well. "So how old are you?" Ugh... does he not get that I don't want to talk?

"19!" I said quickly.

"Me too!" I just raised my eyebrows in a 'that's nice' kind of way. I shouldn't be so mean but that's just the way I am. I mean I know I wanted to kill myself and all but it was all in the moment. I get these feelings quite a lot. Some days I don't want to be alive and then others I want to experience all the things that the world has to offer.

"Look, I know what I did was stupid but it was in the heat of the moment and now that I look back on all of that, I know it was the wrong choice to make so what I am trying to say is thank you!" I said looking at the ground. I hated apologies they always made me cringe because it was so awkward!

"It's fine. I know things can get hard but I just don't want you to feel like you have to end your life because of things so... my number!" He said as he was writing down on a piece of paper or something. "If you ever need to talk about anything I'm here and so is the rest of my family. Think of me as your personal councillor that is there for you day or night from big things to small things like even if you need some ice cream...I will bring it!" I started to laugh which also made him laugh!

"Well thank you. It's nice to know that there is someone I can talk to." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I just smiled at him because for the first time in a long time I actually felt welcomed and as though someone was there for me. Don't get me wrong I know I have my dad but he has his own problems so I don't want to be a burden on his shoulders and as for my mom, well let's not get into that!

We made it to the main part of the beach again and they all placed towels on the floor and I just stood there awkwardly. All of a sudden all the boys took of their shirts and went running toward the water. Rydel grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the towels.

"Okay so now that it is just me and you, I want you to tell me what happened because it must have been something big to want to end your life and I also want to tell you that whatever you tell me only stays between us. I promise!" she said sincerely.

"Where to start..."  





Yay, new chapter! Thank you to all of the people who left comments on the last chapter and also to the people who voted. It means the world when you do.

So let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to vote.


Happy Reading

Michaela xo 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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