Chapter 6

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Jungkook knocked lightly on the open bathroom door as his dad brushed his teeth. "Dad, can I talk to you?"

Seokjin nodded as he spit into the sink, rinsing his mouth out before responding. "What's up?"

The teenager took a breath before asking, "When did you know that you like boys?"

Seokjin hummed as he tried to think back to all those years ago. "Probably the first time I saw Titanic and realized just how whipped I am for Leonardo DiCaprio." The male laughed for a bit before noticing the still serious look on his son's face. "I don't know, I think I always kind of knew, but it wasn't until I became a teenager and learned more about the sexuality spectrum, and more specifically pansexuality that I realized 'oh, this is a thing, and I fit into this thing'." Jungkook nodded, but still stayed quiet. "Do you think you might like boys? Is that why you're asking?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I'd never really thought about anyone that way before. I always thought that maybe I just wasn't interested in anyone, or that the feelings would come further into puberty, but then I met..." Jungkook paused before lowering his voice subconsciously, "Yugyeom and now my heart races every time I'm around him and every morning when I wake up I can't wait to get to school and see him and  I just want to hold his hand and..." The teenager felt his cheeks heat up as he remembered he was talking to his dad, "kiss him and...other things."

"Okay, we can stop there." Seokjin said, not fully ready to accept that his baby was now at the age of sexual awakenings. He wrapped his arm around Jungkook and led him to sit on his bed so they could talk. "You really like this boy?"

Jungkook nodded slightly. "But I don't really know how to handle it. The feelings and the not knowing if he likes me or even likes boys at all and what other people will say-"

"This is more about those comments some of your classmates made, isn't it?" Seokjin asked, Jungkook's eyes widening slightly. "Namjoon mentioned that someone in your class said something homophobic towards you, but don't worry he didn't say anything more than that. The only advice I can give for that is," Seokjin sighed, "people are jerks. There's always going to be people like that in the world, and it will always hurt when they make comments like that. Hell, just a couple of days ago I cried in my office because a customer asked me if I really thought I was setting the best example for you and Jimin with my 'lifestyle choice'." Seokjin squeezed Jungkook closer to him. "I wish I could tell you to just ignore it, but I know how hard that is to actually do. So, what I will tell you is that you are perfect exactly the way you are. I love you and your epilepsy and your attraction to a boy and your love for video games and your passion for writing, everything that makes you my Jungkook, and I wouldn't want you any other way. And you'll find someone in the future, whether it be Yugyeom or another boy or a girl or just a friend, who will tell you the exact same thing. So, whenever someone says something rude to you, just tell yourself that you're perfect the way you are."

Jungkook smiled up at his dad, leaning further into him. "Thanks, Dad, you really are the best."

Seokjin shrugged. "I try my best."


Hoseok walked down the empty hallway, having just gotten to school after a dentist appointment and now needing to head towards his second class of the day. He was halfway there when he heard a bang, causing him to turn towards the opposite hallway to find the source of the noise. He was met with his baby brother being pinned against the lockers by who Taehyung used to call his friends.

He rushed forward as he saw his younger brother struggling to push the others away from him, only for one of them to punch him in the abdomen, right where the other bruise that he now knew the source of was. "Leave him alone!" Hoseok called out, pulling the teens off his brother. "Do you all have nothing better to do with your lives besides torture innocent people?"

The trio walked off while snickering, teasing Taehyung about his brother having to come save him. "Thanks a lot~" Taehyung said in annoyance moving to walk past Hoseok only for the older male to stop him.

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

"Because it's my problem and I'm handling it." Taehyung said, trying to walk past again but Hoseok still wouldn't let him.

"When my baby brother is being bullied, then it's also my problem, Tae." Hoseok said honestly. "Come on, I'll take you to the principal and we can-"

Taehyung pulled his arm out of Hoseok's grip. "I told you I'm handling it!"

Hoseok looked at Taehyung, slightly hurt. "Why won't you let me help you?"

"Because I don't need help!" Taehyung exclaimed, running off before Hoseok could question him more.

Rather than go to class, Hoseok opted to return to the office and sit across from the principal to tell him about what he just witnessed. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do."

Hoseok scoffed. "Nothing you can do? One of your students is being bullied and physically beaten by other students and there's nothing you can do?"

The principal shrugged. "Unless the victim comes forward himself to report it or until we have actual evidence of the alleged bullying taking place, I'm afraid that there truly isn't anything I can do."

"Is a witness coming forward and telling you exactly what I saw with my own eyes not 'actual evidence'?" Hoseok asked, only being met with silence on the principal's part. "Thanks for nothing then." The principal opened his mouth to speak, but Hoseok was already storming out of the office.

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