26.{'we're no longer friends} p1.

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{Eve's pov} *the next day*

It's the next day and me and biannca are still in a fight and now thomas has blocked me all of the sudden on everything.. i can guess who did that... for him.. ughhhh



'Are you comming to the studio with me??'

'No i am staying home..'

'Babe come on i know you and biannca are in a fight but that shouldn't effect our time together with the others..'

'Dami.. please.. i can't stand her now.. she said something very harsh and you know it to dami..'

'I know but it sh-..'

'Okay okay.. i'll go with you...'


~after some time at the studio~

{Eve's pov}

'Ahh look who came the slut and her husband..'

*biannca says with a bitchy look... towards eve*

'Ughh just drop it biannca.. maybe you should buy a belt for thomas.. and tie him up to your bed.. so he can't go away anymore that could help huh??'

'Okay! That's enough!!'


'No! Eve you me Outside now!!'


'Outside now!!!'

'Ughh okay...'

*and they go outside*

{Damiano's pov}

'Seriouslly babe what was that all about???'

'Nothing.. she is just acting like a bitch..'

'And so are you.. eve come on you two are grown woman.. you shouldn't fight over some stupid sh!t'

'i know.. but she started this..'

'Oh come on! Babe you're acting like child now..'

'Dami.. are you on her side or something???'

'No i am not on any side but you're older than me.. you should know better..'

'Ughh!!! I am sorry...'

*and she goes back inside*

{eve's pov}

'Oh look who's back..'

'Biannca i just wanted to say that we are no longer friends..'

'Oh well that's fine with me.. i mean as i said before thomas doesn't like left overs.. like you..'

'Ok.. now are you going to far!!'

'What?? It's true anyways..'

'Hey!  that was harsh you know that she is working on her self.'

Crapp ethan..

'Ethan.. it's okay.. i am okay..'

'No eve she is going way to far.. she shouldn't said those things if she was your real friend..'

'true edgar.. can we go now??'

'Yeah sure let's go outside..'

*and they leave*


Heheh i am soo sorry it's short but i am really  tired soo the next one is going to be longer! 😘😘😘 see youu 😘😘😘

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