Part 5

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(Y/n) PoV:
Months had passed and yet Kenma hasn't even still notice me. Trust me, I've done a lot to make him notice me. Like giving him treats, watch him play volleyball, and even give him some game reconmendation and nothing worked. "Ugh...What is the purpose for downloading the game if your not even gonna notice me!!!" I shouted. When Albedo came in I immediately throw my pillow to him. "Ow! What gives?" He said as I met his angry expression. "Oh!! Sorry I just you know think of a story and I think I blurted it out loud?" I said as I shrugged. "Whatever, just come downstairs the volleyball team is here." He said as he closed the door.

What?! I thought to myself. Out of all the times it has to be now!? I thought to myself again as I fixed my room. After I fixed my room I immediately go downstairs and all of them are staring at me. "Uhhhh..." I said as I ran back up my room amd locked the door.

Albedo's (Brother) PoV:
"Is there something wrong with her dude?" Kuroo asked me. I stand up from my seat and was going upstairs to bring her back down. "Oi! Get back down here!" I said as I try to open her door. Locked as expected. "Don't make me break down this door!" I screamed and I just noticed the volleyball team followed me. "Nope! You can't get me out of my room and if you try to find the key to my room it is with me!" She shouted back from her room. So I have no choice but to reveal my seceret weapon.

"Mom! (Y/n) i—" My sentence was cut off when she opened her door slowly. "Creepy." The mohak man said. "Let's get in." I said as I was suppose to step inside the room. "But what happen to her earlier when she ran away?" The tall guys asked "That's because you guys stare at her. She gets scared whenever someone stare at her. C'mon don't be scaredy cats." I said as I went in.

(Y/n) PoV:

I'm under my bed right now. "So sis, this is the volleyball team. You watched them play before, why scared of them now?" Albedo said as he look under my bed. "They are...closer so..." I mumbled as I get out under my bed.

"Hi! I'm Lev Haiba! Nice to meet you!" The tall guys said and bowed "Pleasure to meet you too! You must be new to the team yes?" I said as I flash a smile. "Yes he is but he has a lot of practice to do." The short one said. "And you must be Yaku Morisuke right?" I said as I pat his head.
"Y-yes and stop patting my head!,!!" He said as he remove my hand off his head. "This is Yamomoto, Tamahiko, Nobuyuki, Fukunaga, Inouka, & Shibayama." Kuroo introduced the rest of his teammates. "Nice to meet you dear goddess!" Yamomoto said as he kneeled in one knee and hold my right hand. I just flashed him a smile as for his reaction he let go of my hand and went outside my room screaming "ALBEDO! YOU HAVE SUCHA BEAUTIFUL SISTER! I'LL NEVER FORGET THIS MOMENT!" Albedo just looked at the door and faced at me with his bothered look. "Don't mind that weirdo. He always do that to every girl he sees." He said as he followed Yamomoto.

"Let's go downstairs and maybe play some games." I clapped my hands together. "No thanks Kenma already played a lot of video games today." Kuroo said following me from behind. "Ohh! I meant like outdoor activities like water fights or go somewhere fun. Not playing video games." I said as I sat on the couch. "Sis! A girl named Maria is calling you on the phone!" Albedo said holding the landline. I sigh and answered the call. "Moshi, moshi Maria. Need anything?" I said as I play with the cord. "Yeah umm...have you seen the volleyball dudes around. We need them for a fun activity. If you wanna come that is." Margaret said on the other line. "What's the plan?" I said in a serious tone.

Kuroo's PoV:

My girlfriend Maria calling (Y/N)? I wonder what's she's planning. I said to my teammates as they stare at me. "Kuroo-san! Who's Margaret?" Lev asked.

Author's Note✨:
I use Maria as another (Y/n) for the up coming Kuroo x reader fanfic. Anyway back to the story.

"Maria is my girlfriend that I met when I was still a first year in middle school. She can be a trouble-some and mostly skipped classes but it does surprises me that her grades aren't that low." I said proudly as I take a peek at Kenma playing his games. "Uwaaaa really?" Lev said as Kenma noded to his question. "She is also  ery athletic." I said.

(Y/n) came in and shouted "C'mon losers! Were having a field trip!" She said as she signaled her brother to start the car.

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