chapter 4

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We  all  sit  down  on  the  common room  couch    I say   "what   time does the party start". Blaise says  "same  time as usual 8:00 clock " I nodded in agreement  Theodore  lighted  up  a joint  start   passing  it  around  Draco said  "member  when  we're  all  kids and we are used to run around manner   " I smile... What Draco said  The  manners like  my  second  home    Pansy  said "remember  when  we  used  to  run  around  in  the  garden and  go  in  the  treehouse"  Mattheo said "Remember  when  we  used  to  sneak Draco  parents  alcohol  into  the  treehouse"   I said  "that's when I first got  drunk"        Theodore said "that's where  we  all  got  first  drunk  rose".   Mattheo  said  turning  to  "do  you remember  when  I  gave  you  that  first nickname  and everyone  started  calling Rose"     I say  "I  remember  very  clearly"     Mattheo has been calling me Rose  since we were 10  I always thought it was cute       Me and Mattheo turn to each other.  I said  "remember  when  you  got  your   braces"     Mattheo said taking a hit of the joint   "don't  remind me  I  look  like  a  fucking  idiot "    I say  "no  you cute"    Mattheo said   "no  I  looked retarded      I say looking at him. Smiling  " you looked  cute  in  a  retarded  way     He rolled his eyes     looking away for after a while of us talking I turned 2 Blaise and say  to him  "when  are  you  going to  ask  Luna  out"   he looked at me and said "what do you mean"   I say  "it's obvious  you  like  her  you  idiot" pansy say  "you  got  would  looks  so cute  together"       I say looking at Blaise "you guys would"   "I don't know how to ask her I might scare her"  Blaise say  I say "Blaise  she  obviously  likes  you too  how  about  you  invite  her  to  the party  tomorrow" Blaise said "I don't know"    Mattheo said  "just  ask  her out  and  don't  be  a  pussy" 
Blaise said  "OK   why   don't   you   ask Rose   out "  I turned
Two  Mattheo  looking  confused and say  "what"  pansy  looks  at  me  and says  "it's  fucking  obvious  you  both like  each  other  we  been  shipping You  too  since  forever"     I say  "what do  you  mean  since  forever"  Theodore says  "since  you  guys  were 11"    I say   looking  down slightly blushing   "it's  never  gonna  happen we're  best  friend".    Draco says "does Rosalie have a crush"  I look at Draco and say" no". Mattheo  doesn't say anything i'm sitting there wondering if he's gonna say any but he doesn't after It kind of hurt that he didn't say anything  it got so  awkward  so  I  broke  the  tension I  look  at  my  phone  and  see   that  it's  11  o'clock  at night we all   got so caught up talking we missed dinner    i say getting up " hey   guys   I'm  gonna   go   to   bed   I'm  really  tired"they  all  said  good  night to me except Mattheo he hasn't said anything And hasn't even look at me since Blaise  said about  him  not  ask  me  out  I   walk   up   to   my   dorm 
I took  a  shower  and  get  in  my  bed looking  at  the  ceiling
Thanking  does  Mattheo  really   like  me
Or was Blaise  just  joking   hearing pansy  say  that  they  all  ship  me and Mattheo   since  we  were  11   Did Mattheo  didn't  say  anything  because it  is  true  That  he  liked  me  or  he didn't  say  anything  because he didn't want  to  hurt  my  feelings  
  all night I Toston and turned thinking to myself what Mattheo didn't say......

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