Are you sure you love me?! (Fluff + Slight Lemon)

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"Y/N you have to be honest with me about this's very serious" Bruno looks you dead in the eyes. "yeah? what?" you asked unphased by Bruno's dramatic question. "Do you still love me!?~" He whined. You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Bruno yes of course I still love you" You say rolling your eyes. "Why did you roll your eyes am I annoying you I knew you didn't love me!" Bruno cries out. "Bruno your drunk!" you stated. "So?!" He shouts "Doesn't give you an excuse not no love me!" Bruno exclaimed. You sighed thinking to yourself how long of night it was going to be. "Waaaa!!" Bruno started to sob loudly. "I have no love!!" He cried. You sighed and walk over to the curled up Bruno. You rub his back and he soon flops onto your chest pushing you down with his weight. "Ugh Bruno!" You groan. He starts nipping at your neck. "Ay!" You squirm Bruno was giving you hickeys! "Agh Bruno!~" You groaned annoyed. He started biting and licking "Mh!- Bruno!" You moaned "Enough of that cut it out!" You moaned swatting at his head. "owieee!!" Bruno cried. You sighed and Bruno cried as you rocked him to sleep.

~Next morning~

You pour yourself a huge cup of coffee totally trained from last nights shit show. "Good morning Y/N" Bruno calls out from the other room. "Good morning Bruno." You said tired. Bruno walks into the kitchen and looks at you. "What happened to your neck?" He asks. You take a long sip of your coffee. "You happened." You said. "What?" Bruno asked. "No longer talking about it!" You put a hand up to Bruno. "But-" Bruno asked. "Nope!" You said.

Bruno Madrigal x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now