Part 15 Regrets

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I already set our plan to be a happy family and then it all changes. My heart is like pinched by many nails,torns,and burned by flames.

I look like a fool,I admit it. Maybe this is the last of us. I dont know how to face the world,now Angel is gone. I loved her a lot! But why?why me?...

After some time...
My phone rang.
I dont want to answer it but it called 33 times,maybe its important.

I answered the phone and its Tiffany.

"Hello?Ryan*sobs* Ryan! Angel is in the hospital and her condition is critical."Tiffany cried.

"WHAT?!Okay! Wait for me Im coming!"I said.

I ran into my car and I heard Greg called me.

"Ryan where are you going?"He yelled.

"No time to explain Bro"I yelled back.

I drove as fast as I can and after 10 mins I arrived at the hospital and asked Where's Angel.

I saw her in the I.C.U room,So many tubes that is attached to her, I can feel her pain and she's was controlled by the monitor.

Later then,while iam outside staring Angel the doctor talked to me.

"Uhm...Are you the husband?"The doctor asked.

"Uhh..I-Im her boyfriend."I said.

"I'm sorry to tell this Sr. But the baby didnt survive...,Her Heart was also in a critical condition... And She have a weak heart and to be exact we need a new heart for her.We have done our best." The doctor said.

"What? No please?! Please tell me she's gonna be okay?" I cried.

"Uhhmm Im so sorry"The doctor apologized.

I came inside of her room and talk to her while she's asleep.

"Angel?If youre hearing me,I just want to say Iove you... I wish youll wake up again? We'll play tennis if you want?,Or Visit the pandas in the zoo?,Please Angel wake up! I need you...
I need you here..."

"Angel?!Angel?"I called.

"Just wait for her to wake up" The doctor said.

"Okay,Doc!thank you."I said.

I dont know where to find a heart donor.. Haisst... The operation is tomorrow.

Hey lamps! Excited about the ending? It will be published soon...

Thank you!

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