When we got there Harry came back to my seat and said
"innjit pertty"
" yes "
"Do you uhhhhh want too uhhhhhh go too uhhhhh"
"Yes "
"Me toooo said Earl I'm her body guard soo yeah"
Harry rolled his eyes and we all got off the bus then we walked 5 miles to this dinner place and got Food same I told the story of how I got my name my real name was herpes and I guess my parents jus add bob the end. our waits nqme was Joseyhp and he was kinda rude ngl but idc and I j'yS loled. We next went to the movies and it was spider man and durin it Earl Jeffery put us arm around me immeditly Harry did too " wut" I said very loud so everyone heard then Earl Jeeffery and Harrrrie started arguing so we gotted ciked out and they argue on the street then I saw a bright gree van coming at us. It didn't stop and the last face I saw alive was JosepaphDun Dun dunuuuuu