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Finding Mark at school during break time was definitely not hard at all. The guy either eating his lunch on cafeteria or staying at the field with his other basketball teammates. And yes, he's one of the school's basketball players. He's just the typical high school's jock, handsome, popular, and a heartbreaker.

It's not that Hyuck paid attention to Mark till he knew very well where he would be during break, it's just they often cross ways. Either it's when Hyuck wanted to buy some foods from the cafeteria, or when Hyuck had to give lunch box prepared by his mom to his cousin, Jeno, who's also a basketball player and one of Mark's teammates, plus they're almost always together at the field. So when Hyuck didn't see Mark at the cafeteria, he knew where to go.

"There he is", Hyuck spotted Mark right away at the field, wearing his navy tshirt. The said person was just casually playing basketball by himself, dribbling and shooting, "He's alone? Weird."

Mark was too focused on his basketball that he didn't realize someone coming to the field until Hyuck shouted his name, "Mark Lee!"

He stopped and turned around to see the person calling him, "Huh?" Mark seemed confused as he must be. Lee Donghyuck who never spoke to him or even called his name before just suddenly did. All Mark knew is everytime Lee Donghyuck comes to the field, it's to see Jeno. And he even knew his name is Lee Donghyuck it's from what Jeno always called him. "Are you searching for Jeno? He's not here"

Hyuck rolled his eyes, "I know. I can clearly see you are alone. Which is weird"

"Why is it weird?"

"You basically live in a group. Always surrounded by people"

Mark chuckled at that, "you paid attention to me?"

Hyuck couldn't hide his annoyance, "Don't be ridiculous"

"Then what makes you come here if you're not searching for Jeno?" Mark walked to the bench and sat there, followed by Hyuck.

He's standing in front of Mark who's just looking at him with wondering eyes, "I want to give you something"

At that Mark raised his eyebrows even more confused, "Me? What is it?"

Hyuck handing off a lunch box that he usually brings for Jeno to Mark, "Here"

"Wait, are you asking me to give it to Jeno? Dude i'm probably not gonna meet him today"

"No dumbass, it's for you" Mark surprisingly stupid for someone so handsome. Oops Hyuck did not just think (and admitted) that Mark is handsome.

Even more confused than before, "Out of nowhere? You never even spoke to me and you just suddenly wanna give me a lunch?"

"Then mark today as the first day I'm speaking with you. And yes, the lunch box is for you." Hyuck shoved it to Mark, "Why are you so surprised receiving a lunch from someone? Don't you get that a lot?"

"Well, it's from you what makes me surprised," Mark began to take a look at the lunch, "You sure it's not poisoned or something?"

Hyuck couldn't believe he has to go through this, "What's with me? And it's NOT poisoned. You can throw it away if you don't want it"

Hyuck almost took the lunch box back from Mark, "No! Shoo! It's mine!" Mark keeping it safe behind him, "You never cared about my presence before. So it's weird how you suddenly came and gave me lunch?"

"You realized I didn't care about your presence?"

"Dude, I'm always with Jeno when you come to see him. You greet everyone but me"

Hyuck didn't know Mark paid that much attention about him. His plan about to worked just well. "Uh, I just-- I wanna know you better? Wanna be friends?" There he goes with the friends offering.

"So sudden?"

"I just think you'd be a cool person to befriend with. Why not? Starting today?", Hyuck offered a handshake.

Mark still with his confusion accepted the handshake, "If that's what you want. And thanks for the lunch box"

"You're welcome, Mark Lee" Hyuck gave him his sweet smile.

First day of the plan had officially begun.


Author's note:

Any feedbacks? 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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