Chapter 5

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A mere three weeks after her chance encounter with the men at the park, Maura managed to put a new routine in place for herself amongst the team.

Each morning she got up, packed a bag, and went for a run at a different location, never hitting the same place twice. Sometimes it was a park, a lake, a running track, or a densely wooded area; always something different. She claimed it was a way to keep her body guessing, different terrain, so her muscles never got used to one form of running.

The truth was, Maura was setting up a way for her to slip away without anyone questioning. She had an assignment from those men, and she needed to be there. Now she could make her appointment without the Avengers questioning anything.

Today was like all the rest, only this time, Maura added a few items to her bag. She still got her run in, but instead of going back to the Tower, Maura went to the location Sergeant Batrel had given her.

"It is good to see you made it," Lieutenant Saltz greeted.

"Well, sir, Sergeant Batrel told me to be here. I had little choice in the matter."

"Now, Raven, there is always a choice, and we have not yet ordered you to do anything."

"Then why did I have to come?"

"Because we knew you would, and it will give you the chance to see your new comrades in a different light," he smirked as he turned to walk away.

"Sir," Raven said in a clipped tone.

He was right. Maura knew they would come; they had been planning it for at least a month. However, Tony told her she wouldn't be joining them because he didn't know how messy it would get since they didn't have enough information on the location.

Maura had played it off as if she didn't know about the abandoned building, but she did. She knew it well. Regardless, she knew it was a test for her, despite what her command may try to claim.

She was already in her suit. Solid black leather, matching black mask across her mouth, and of course Hydra's emblem on the belt around her waist - the only color on her uniform was the red on the Hydra.

Watching the security monitors, Maura knew the Avengers had arrived. She watched as they each did what they did best, each working in different ways to get into the building.

She took up her perch in the rafters, in the shadows of the building, and looked down, smiled brightly and whispered to herself, "If this is what they want to be done, then mission accepted."

Raven watched as the Avengers took out some of the meaningless agents below. Then, she followed the team as they split up, each taking a level and taking one room at a time. There weren't many enemies today, but it was enough to keep them busy for a while.

She was silently laughing at their plan. Did they honestly believe Hydra wouldn't have people in place, hiding, to stop their efforts? Raven took to the roof of the building, not making a sound as she approached a window, seeing Hawkeye sitting in one of her favorite spots.

Raven caused wind to kick up from thin air, attempting to blow debris at Hawkeye. It was enough of a distraction that she was able to approach him from behind and knock him unconscious. She lifted him with ease, taking him out of the building through the roof and leaving him outside. Hydra had tasked her to help get rid of them, but they never told her to kill them.

Raven lifted herself back to the roof and re-entered the building, quickly finding the rest of the team. Barnes had stayed outside to keep an eye on the perimeter. Clint was now out there as well, presumably still unconscious. Natasha and Peter were busy with a handful of agents on the upper levels while Sam handled the main floor. Finally, Tony teamed with Hulk to take out the teams of Hydra agents on the lower levels.

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