"Ughhhh!" Kody said refreshing the game list again,he's been doing this for 2 hours now, kody once again refreshed the page when he relized five other people were online. "Yes! Finally!" Kody said as he invited everyone to his party he was so excited but than suddenly his computer shut down *windows shut down sound*
"Ahhhhhh! Why?! Why is the world so cruel to me?!" Kody said actually crying "i...just... wana PLAY!" kody yelled as he smack his computer making it shoot out electricity "holy! Mo-" before he could scream for his mother kody was sucked in the game....Party members
Basilia raymaster
Thunderx kalypsa
Sianna-marie kody
Kody woke up on the ground it didn't take him long to relize what had happened "eh?! What...am I in the game?! What wrong with my voice?" Said kody as he looked around.
"Hi you most be new to this too right?" Someone said. Kody turned around and saw the person with a name on their head "raymaster?" Kody asked "Nah just call me Ray here let me help you up" ray said pulling kody up "so what now?" Kody said looking at ray "Well I've been here for a few hours now having a panic attack, but after all that I discovered that we can do things like any normal game such as opening up the party tab which shows 7 of us?! which makes no sense since it's only supposed to host 4 people for the tutorial.." rays said looking at the tab while kody looked at it too "Hey our names are faded do you think that means we are in the game?" Kody asked ray "most likely, which means kalypsa is here too,come on I opened the member tracking tab this should lead us to the others. Thus the two adventurers venture out in the search of their party members....than suddenly they simply got teleported to the group thx to the game
"Well how anti climactic" said ray
Tutorial quest starting...
Defend town from monsters!
(Game starts in the chapter!)
Avventurakinda like a game and a story? if you wana join feel free to do so. there's gana be monster fights quest leveling up and Anything else that needs to be added