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After Rick had let you pick a cell to sleep in, you laid down, covering your eyes with your arm. You heard a knock on your wall, making you peek out from your arm; it was a girl with short brown hair. Her presence made you sit up "can I come in?" She asked, walking in once you nodded. "I'm Maggie, by the way," she introduced, smiling softly at you "(y/n)" you smiled back at her before looking down at the ground. You two had talked for about an hour just about random things before she had to help her father, who introduced himself when he came to get her as Hershel. Half your day was filled with people coming to your cell and greeting you and just taking; it made you nervous you weren't much of a talker; you mostly listened to them speak, giving answers or asking questions when appropriate. Everyone had come to introduce themselves, but a certain archer which for some reason upset you, but you brushed it off. He didn't like you, it was apparent, but you tried not to let it bug you sighing you got up and left your cell coming face to chest with the archer you couldn't seem to get out of your head, he raised an eyes brow at you "sorry" you squeaked out looking down "rick wants ya" he grumbled. Without another word, he walked away to his spot in front of the stairs. You noted that he didn't tell you where he wanted to see you.
"Daryl, where is he?" You asked softly; looking up at him, he huffed "outside" you nodded and made your way outside, waving slightly at everyone who passed by you. When you finally got out, you saw rick standing there waiting for you "hey rick," you smiled "hey (y/n), I just wanted to check and see how you were coming along," he asked, which surprised you "o-oh I'm getting along pretty well! Everyone's nice I'm just kinda nervous you know" you smiled sheepishly at the cowboy. Rick nodded "hey, rick?" You asked; looking down, he hummed in response to let you know he was listening "is Daryl always like that" you asked softly "like what?" He looked at you "closed off" you heard him sigh "yes, he's been through a lot, we all have," you nodded "thank you," you said before walking back into the prison, you'd get Daryl to warm up to you if it were the last thing you'd do. You walked into your cell and started brainstorming before falling asleep tired from the day of talking.

Sunflower (Daryl Dixion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now