Ch. 2

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just want to make it clear that izuku will be out of character for the beginning of this story!! mans is suicidal, depressed, and has trauma for days. he's definitely going to be snappy and irritable lol.

also, probably a good time to mention- this is a quirkless au and doesn't follow the canon storyline lmao.




Despite the break in her cycle never showing up to break it again- breaking it that one time, to begin with, is more than enough, as it turns out.

One week after continuously returning to that same cliffside every day at the same time in hopes of seeing the boy called Izuku again, and he's nowhere to be seen. It brings her over to a social media search. Izuku seemed around her age- 17, 18, and social media is kind of a given in these times, but- there was nothing. He never offered his last name, either, so that made the search harder. He was just... Izuku.

So it brought her to a physical city search. Longer walks, roaming the city, visiting new places- She kind of felt insane going to such lengths to see some guy she'd only had a ten-minute conversation with. A guy who wasn't interested in her, or... Even living, for that matter ( so really, it was best not to get attached, but then again- she already was ), but.

In the most cheesy way possible- there was just something about him. He broke her cycle. Maybe that's why she felt the strong desire to learn more about him- to connect further with him. The guy had her interested in... In something. And that was more interest than she had before. And it... Felt nice. To have something to reach for.

Y/n pushes open the door to a cafe she's never been to. It's on the other side of the city and it's getting a little dark, so she'll have to take the train back. The bells chime and the air smells of strawberry pastries and it's extremely warm. It makes her smile, just a little.

She doesn't bother going up to the counter to order- she's actually a little curious about the drinks and sweets they have, so looking at the menu before walking up to someone and making a fool of herself would probably be best.

So Y/n slides into a booth, a nice, comfortable one near a window with a nice view, to text her mom about her whereabouts; Her mom doesn't worry often, but still. She gives her an approximate time she should be home, and three little hearts- her mom's favorites, and she's placing her phone down when she hears it.

His name.

"-Izuku? It's really starting to worry me."

Y/n stills and she quickly slides in her earbuds to appear less suspicious, clearing her throat as she tries to listen to the specific conversation over the rest of the talking going on in the cafe. Whoever's talking about him is sitting right behind her and though they're whispering- Y/n likes to think she has a good ear. That or they're just really bad at whispering?

"What do you mean? He seems fine?"

"No, something's wrong, I can feel it, he- Hitoshi told me he stopped going to group after what happened last time. That's two weeks. He hasn't actually hung out with us in months, he's starting to withdraw and distance himself and that whole 'glitch' with his phone? I think he blocked all of us because he was thinking of, like. Doing something."

"Doing something. As in, like..."

"Yeah. That. I've known him for years and every time he gets like this... Listen- It took me so much convincing just to get him outside today, and where is he? In the bathroom. He'll probably come out just to tell us he has to get home or something. But- he's not going home- I've been... texting Ms. Midoriya-"

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