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As the light breeze brushed her brunette hair, adorned by hair white flower clip-on and her black coat freely fluttering behind, the female laughed to herself, twirling on top of an old bridge.

The surrounding was silent as the ripples of the water underneath and her light giggles were the only sound that can be heard.

The flowy white dress she's wearing moved in sync with her body as she spread both her arms in the air, waltzing around. Anyone would mistake her as a crazy fella but she couldn't care less. The relaxation of what she's doing brought ease throughout her body.

Spinning for the last time, she open her eyes and was met by a blond boy whose face was full of bruises, gaping at her in worry.

Those eyes remind her of certain someone but she chose to ignore it. Smiling for the last time and letting herself fall on the river, the boy panicked and tried to reach for her hand which he failed miserably.

"NOOOOO!!!" Beyond horrified as he watched the female's body crash against the water and without hesitation, he quickly jumped off in hopes of saving the female.

He tried to scream, but his head was underwater, drinking the dirty river water. Once he spotted the female whose body was sinking even deeper, he immediately grabbed her unconscious body towards the shore and laid her flat on the ground.

The boy coughed out water that entered his mouth with his eyes locked on the figure as a fear course through his body at the thought that he failed. He tried to pump air to her but she's still not breathing. Trying once again, and to his surprise, the brunette sat up straight like nothing happened, looking blankly at him.

"What the fuck?" The first words that came out of her, stunning him.

He looked at her warily, before sighing in relief. "Thank goodness you're okay!" tears were started brimming in the corner of his eyes, overwhelmed by relief. He thought the female died in his watch and if that happened, his conscience wouldn't take it.

"Why the shit are you crying about?" The female asked in confusion but the boy just shook his head, still crying loudly. "Oi, stop crying already"

"I really thought you died!" He exclaimed and hugged the brunette that which startled her.

She then removed the boy away from her, laughing awkwardly. Well, this is the first time someone shed tears for her. This is new for the brunette. "Trust me, I don't die easily" and patted the boy's head, smiling reassuringly. "What's your name?"

The blond boy wiped his tears, eyes were bloodshot red because of intense crying. "H-hanagaki Takemichi" he hiccuped a little.

She then stood up, as Takemichi lifted his gaze towards the female who was offering her hand at him. "I'm Yakuzawa Hiroshi, nice to meet you, Michi" cracking an eye smile. The boy then accepted her hand as the sun slowly set in between the two of them.

"From now on, you're my gifted one!"

It's like she grew too many heads as Takemichi tilted his head to the side, confusion was written all over his face. From being Mikey's bitch to this crazy girl's 'gifted one'.

Now that worry was fading away, the boy can feel how much bad news the female in front was. Her aura was very different from all the dangerous guys he had met.

"What do you mean by that?" Trying not to stutter and he gulped hard, sweating bullets. Takemichi was shaking internally, as the female's pale grey eyes see through him having a menacing glint.

'What the shit did I get myself into? Am I gonna be a slave for real this time?' He thought, crying inside.

Hiroshi smiled meaningfully and turned her back around from the blonde. Water was still dripping from her clothes, making it was heavier. "You'll know soon..." And started walking away, waving the back of her hand.

Guess someone's gonna be the center of her attention from now on other than just goofing around.

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