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After getting really high with Maddy and kat she left.  It died down and I felt normal. "Bitch guess what" "what?" "Nate just invited me over" "go get some dick" "go make up with fez please while I'm gone, whatever he did couldn't have been that bad" "I swallowed a pill"  "was it his fault?"

"Well yes and no. No because this drug lord came with new pills and I was with rue and before he came inside fez was telling us to leave and rue was making it so hard. And I swear I was going to leave her there but I would've felt guilty and long story short they forced me to swallow a pill by forcefully putting it in my mouth." I let a deep breath out. "So how is this his fault?" "He could've stopped it but he didn't he was just sitting there and I get it he was scared but I was to, I was the one drinking a pill that made me black out he wasn't"

"I get it but please just go see what he has to say" "fine" I showered and put sweats and a cropped sweater. After I waited for nate to pick Maddy up I left when she left. I was kind of iffy on going but it was needed I kind of missed him. Once I got to his house I knocked on his door and ash answered. "Hey baby you here for me?" "Nah your brother, he home?" "Well shit, but yea he home. Fez! It's for you"

he let me in and I seen fez come out his room. "Hey G" "hi" "I'm guessing your here to talk about the other night?" "Uh yea" "look for starters I'm sorry I feel mad guilty. Anyways mouse he gives me the drugs I sell. I guess he had a new one and was trying to get y'all to try it out for him. When you moved to sit by me I wanted to protect you I did. But if I tried to try anything with him he'll kill me and I don't want to die yet I'm only 19, you know." "Yeah"

"well when I seen Ty force his way to give you that pill I tried, I tried getting out my seat and punch the shit out of him but I looked over at mouse and he gave me a look like if I tried anything he'll blow my brains out right then and there." "Oh" "Gianna Im sorry, rue hasn't came over since that day for anymore drugs she told me she's staying sober" "do you know why she decided to stay sober?" "Some chick named jules"

"Wow she's staying sober for someone she just met but when I asked, her mom, and even gia asked she blew us off" "damn that's kinda messed up but can I ask a question?" "Sure" "why do you still talk to me? I mean why did you come hear me out?"

"Honestly I don't know I should be away from you because like you said you don't do relationships, and I'm like a sister to you. But something in me won't let me" "damn you that butt hurt I called you my sister" "yup" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

We were so close and I could feel his breath on me. He connected our lips for the first time and it felt so good to kiss him. He is definitely my man without knowing it. The kiss was getting heated until someone started knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" "It's me. Open the door." It was rue
"Fuck." Fez said as he opened the door "Not today, Rue. I'm sorry." "Come on, man. Don't be a dick." "Nah, I'm serious. You can't come in."

"Look, man... All I need is just, like, a few OCs." Seriously rue I thought to myself  "Sorry, I can't help you" "Fez, I've had a really fucked up day all right? It's been a really fucked up day. So I need you to open the door for me, okay?" "I'm not gonna help you kill yourself, Rue. I'm sorry, but, you can't be coming over here no more. Just go home." He went to close the door. He was hesitant at first but did it anyways

"Don't... Fez! Don't close the... Fuck! Fez, open the fucking door, please? I'm begging you just to open the door. Fez! You're full of shit, man. You make your living off of selling drugs to teenagers. Now all of a sudden, you want to have a fucking moral high ground?" The whole time she was saying this he had his head against the door and moved so his back was faced it. I felt so bad

"You're a fucking dropout drug dealer. You know that? You're a fucking drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells. Open the door! Fuck you! Fuck you, Fez. Okay? Are you doing this because you care about me? If you gave a shit about me, you wouldn't have sold me the fucking drugs in the first place! But you did! You fucking did! So open the goddamned door! Open the door!"

"I can't do it, Rue. I'm sorry." "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door. You did this to me! You fucking... you did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life! The least you could do is open the goddamned door and fix it! I'm fucking serious. I'm so fucking serious. If you don't open this door right now, I swear to God, I will hate you, till the day I fucking die."

"I'm sorry." He apologized to her and then walked away going upstairs to his room while rue was having a mental breakdown. "You fucking did this to me! Open the fucking door... Open the door, Fez! Come on, man! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I felt horrible for rue whatever happened had to be serious she was doing so good. I need to talk to her but right now I need to talk to fezco.

"Fez?" I knocked on his door. I walked in since he wasn't responding and just laid down next to him hugging him. "I'm sorry" in whispered to him. "not your fault" he said as he wrapped his arm around me. "She didn't mean it." "I know"

I kissed his cheek and we fell asleep together. I could see ash by the door looking at us smiling.

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